In this Issue
Studies in Philology has been a leader in literary scholarship since 1906. Through the whole of its history, the journal's home has been the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As its principal mission, the journal considers for publication articles on British literature from the pre-Conquest period through Romanticism. But we also welcome contributions on continental European and Neo-Latin literature, especially articles that address interdisciplinary issues of interest to literary and intellectual historians.
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The University of North Carolina Pressviewing issue
Volume 117, Number 3, Summer 2020Editorial Board
Reid Barbour
Associate Editor
Megan Matchinske
Editorial Board
David J. Baker
Alan C. Dessen
Mary Floyd-Wilson
Edward Donald Kennedy
Shayne Legassie
Patrick O'Neill
Thomas Reinert
Joseph S. Wittig
Jessica Wolfe