In this Issue
The Journal of Austrian Studies is an interdisciplinary quarterly that publishes scholarly articles and book reviews on all aspects of the history and culture of Austria, Austro-Hungary, and the Habsburg territory. It is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world's premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies. The journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture. Although the journal was renamed in 2012 to reflect the increasing scope and diversity of its scholarship, it has a long lineage dating back over a half century as Modern Austrian Literature and, prior to that, The Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association.
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University of Nebraska Pressviewing issue
Volume 45, Numbers 1-2, Spring/Summer 2012Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Austin
Thomas Ballhausen, Film Archiv Austria
Steven Beller, Independent Scholar, Washington DC
Dieter Binder, Universität Graz
Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Daniel Gilfillan, Arizona State University
Christina Guenther, Bowling Green State University
Susanne Hochreiter, Univesität Wien
Vincent Kling, LaSalle University
Martin Liebscher, University College London
Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago
David Luft , Oregon State University
Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College
Oliver Speck, Virginia Commonwealth University
Heidi Schlipphacke, Old Dominion University
Janet Stewart, University of Aberdeen