![Tolkien Studies cover](/issue/20984/image/front_cover.jpg?format=smallcover)
- Digital Price: $20.00 USD (All sales final)
- Tolkien Studies
- West Virginia University Press
- Article
- "The Story of Kullervo" and Essays on Kalevala Volume 7, 2010, pp. 211-278
To further meet your research needs, the complete digital issue from this journal is also available for purchase for $60.00 USD.
This issue contains 26 articles in total
- Notes on Contributors
- Book Notes
- Languages, Myths and History: An Introduction to the Linguistic and Literary Background of J.R.R. Tolkien's Fiction (review)
- Conventions and Abbreviations
- Editors' Introduction
- Bibliography (in English) for 2008
- The Year's Work in Tolkien Studies 2007
- Tolkien's View: Windows into His World (review)
- The Hobbitonian Anthology of Articles on J.R.R. Tolkien and His Legendarium (review)
- Tengwesta Qenderinwa and Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets Part 2 (review)
- The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún (review)
- J.R.R. Tolkien and the Boy Who Didn't Believe in Fairies
- The Kalevala
- On "The Kalevala" or Land of Heroes
- The Story of Kullervo: (Kalervonpoika)
- "The Story of Kullervo" and Essays on Kalevala
- Myth, Milky Way, and the Mysteries of Tolkien's Morwinyon, Telumendil, and Anarríma
- "Monsterized Saracens," Tolkien's Haradrim, and Other Medieval "Fantasy Products"
- Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and His Concept of Native Language: Sindarin and British-Welsh
- Elladan and Elrohir: The Dioscuri in The Lord of the Rings
- Fantasy, Escape, Recovery, and Consolation in Sir Orfeo: The Medieval Foundations of Tolkienian Fantasy
- Refining the Gold: Tolkien, The Battle of Maldon, and the Northern Theory of Courage
- "Strange and free"—On Some Aspects of the Nature of Elves and Men
- Coleridge's Definition of Imagination and Tolkien's Definition(s) of Faery
- Faërian Cyberdrama: When Fantasy becomes Virtual Reality
- The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist
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