Rebecca Epstein
Rebecca Epstein is a recent graduate of Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts.
David Bratman
David Bratman reviews books on Tolkien for Mythprint, the monthly bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society, for which he served as editor from 1980-1995. He has edited The Masques of Amen House by Charles Williams, compiled the authorized bibliography of Ursula K. Le Guin, and contributed articles on Tolkien to the journals Mallorn and Mythlore and the book Tolkien's Legendarium (ed. Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter). His documentary chronology of the Inklings is an appendix to Diana Pavlac Glyer's book The Company They Keep. He holds an M.L.S. from the University of Washington and has worked as a librarian at Stanford University and elsewhere.
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