In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Current JJ Checklist (121)
  • William S. Brockman

Our congratulations go to the James Joyce Broadsheet on the occasion of its issue number 100 and to the Zurich James Joyce Foundation on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, both noted below. Thanks to this Checklist’s contributors: Sabrina Alonso, Massimo Bacigalupo, Ronan Crowley, Wilhelm Füger, K. P. S. Jochum, Nina Krajnikova, Lea Pao, Derek Pyle, Fritz Senn, Bob Spoo, and Andreas Weigel. Please send contributions to your bibliographer at W329 Pattee, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, or via e-mail to The Checklists are cumulated online in The James Joyce Checklist <>.

William S. Brockman
Pennsylvania State University


“Bahnhofstrasse.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung (5 May 2015): 19.
“The Dead” and Other Stories. Ed. Melissa Free. Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2014. 129 pp. ISBN 978-1-55481-165-6. [Includes “The Sisters,” “Araby,” “Eveline,” “A Little Cloud,” and “The Dead.” Also includes excerpts from “James Clarence Mangan,” “Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages,” and “Gas from a Burner,” and reviews of D from Times Literary Supplement (1914), Athenaeum (1914), and Ezra Pound’s “Dubliners and Mr James Joyce,” Egoist (1914).]
Dublinčani. Trans. Tina Mahkota. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2012. 306 pp. ISBN 978-961-01-2270-8. [Slovenian translation of D.]
Earwicker: Fünf Fassungen eines Kapitels aus Finnegans Wake. Ed. Friedhelm Rathjen. Trans. Friedhelm Rathjen. Edition ReJoyce, 58: Edition ReJoyce, 2015. 156 pp. ISBN 978-3-00-049245-7. [Limited edition of 111 numbered copies. Precursors to FW 30-47 and the final version, in English with German translations on facing pages.]
Exiliados. Colección Aniversario. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 2013. 212 pp. ISBN 978-950-03-9949-4. [Spanish translation of E.]
Gas from a Burner. Dublin: Distillers Press, 2012. unpaged. [Limited edition of 100 copies. Illustrations by Jamie Murphy & Mary Plunkett.] [End Page 1051]
Giacomo Joyce. Colección Aniversario. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 2013. [215] pp. ISBN 978-950-0-39947-0. [Spanish translation with English on facing pages.]
Giacomo Joyce. Trans. Nil Sakman. Istanbul: Aylak Adam Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2014. 50 pp. ISBN 978-605-4849-75-8. [Turkish translation.]
Kamerna muzika i druge pesme. Trans. Bojan Belić. Beograd: Arhipelag, 2014. 86 pp. ISBN 978-86-523-0148-5. [Serbian translation of CM and PP.]
“Minä kuulen sotajoukon.” Parnasso 62, iii (2012): 11. [Finnish translation by Pertti Nieminen and Tuulia Toivanen of “I Hear an Army.”]
Ölüler. Trans. Merve Tokmakçioğlu. Istanbul: Zeplin, 2015. 67 pp. ISBN 978-605-9115-17-9. [Turkish translation of “The Dead.”]
Os três macaqueiros de Zurique. Trans. Dirce Waltrick do Amarante. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2014. 28 pp. [Letter to Stephen Joyce of 6 April 1937 translated into Portuguese with illustrations by Michaella Pivetti.]
Pisma Nori. Trans. Tina Mahkota. Knjižna Zbirka Beletrina. Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2012. 131 pp. ISBN 978-961-242-479-4. [Slovenian translation of letters to Nora from 1904 to 1924.]
“A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Villanelles. Ed. Annie Finch and Marie-Elizabeth Mali. Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. 41. ISBN 978-0-307-95786-3. [“Are you not weary of ardent ways.”]
Retrato del artista adolescente. Trans. Pablo Ingberg. Grandes clásicos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 2012. 301 pp. ISBN 978-950-03-9870-1. [Spanish translation of P.]
Shkririme kritike. Trans. Davjola Ndoja. Tiranë: Pika pa sipërfaqe, 2015. 258 pp. ISBN 978-9928-185-09-9. [Albanian translation of Critical Writings.]
Stihotvorenija = Poems. Moscow: Tekst, 2013. 204 pp. ISBN 978-5-7516-1076-0. [Russian translations with facing pages of English of CM, PP, and occasional poems.]
(Ulisse. Trans. Celati, 2013.) [Rev.: Sara Sullam, “La tastiera rammemorativa: L’Ulisse di Gianni Celati,” alfabeta2 no. 31 (July/August 2013): 7.]
Ulysses. Trans. Leevi Lehto. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2012. 857 pp. ISBN 978-952-495...

