In this Issue
Africa is the premier journal devoted to the study of African societies and culture. Published as the journal of the International African Institute, editorial policy encourages an interdisciplinary approach, involving the social sciences, history, the environment and life sciences. Africa aims to give increased attention to historical trends, issues of development and links between local and national levels of society. At the same time, it maintains its commitment to the theoretically informed analysis of the realities of Africa's own cultural categories. Africa appears quarterly. Each issue contains four or five major articles, arranged thematically, extensive review essays and substantial book reviews. Special issues are frequent. Africa Bibliography A full subscription to Africa also provides an annual listing of published work in African studies from the previous year. Included with every fourth issue of Africa, the bibliography is now recognised as the authoritative guide to available literature. Covering the whole of Africa, and not confined to work in English, the work contains over five thousand items categorised by region, country and subject, with full indexes.
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Cambridge University Pressviewing issue
Volume 86, Number 2, May 2016Editorial Board
Editors · Rédacteurs en chef
Wale Adebanwi
Deborah James
David Pratten
Local Intellectuals Editor · Responsable de la rubrique lettrés locaux
Karin Barber
Reviews Editor · Rédactrice comptes-rendus
Insa Nolte
Editorial Advisory Board · Comité de Rédaction
Kojo Amanor
Julie Archambault
Leslie Bank
Alan Barnard
Thomas J. Bassett
Heike Becker
Joost Beuving
Maxim Bolt
Keith Breckenridge
James Brennan
Filip De Boeck
Harri Englund
Richard Fardon
Paulo F. de Moraes Farias
Jude Fokwang
Laurent Fourchard
Peter Geschiere
Jane I. Guyer
Elizabeth Hull
Sharon Hutchinson
Marloes Janson
Ferdinand de Jong
Kai Kresse
Hélène Neveu Kringelbach
Brian Larkin
Michael Lambek
Murray Last
Carola Lentz
Tom McCaskie
Birgit Meyer
Adeline Masquelier
Mwenda Ntarangwi
George Otieno Ogola
Luis Nicolau Parés
John Parker
Derek Peterson
Debby Potts
Katrien Pype
Keith Shear
AbdouMaliq Simone
Mats Utas
Susan Reynolds Whyte