In this Issue
Cofounded in 1998 by the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University and the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues provides an international, interdisciplinary academic forum the only one of its kind for the innovative work being done in the many areas of research that comprise the field of Jewish women's and gender studies. It regularly includes articles on literature, text studies, anthropology, theology, contemporary thought, sociology, the arts, and more. It aims to create communication channels within the Jewish women's and gender studies community, to bring the fruits of that community's work to a wider audience, and to enhance their educational, political, and cultural impact on the Jewish world and beyond. In addition, each issue of Nashim highlights the new voices that seek to redefine the place of women in the Jewish tradition and Jewish learning in ways that incorporate female creativity and spirituality.
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Indiana University Pressviewing issue
Number 28, Spring 5775/2015Editorial Board
Academic Editor
Renée Levine Melammed
Managing Editor
Deborah Greniman
Art Editor
Judith Margolis, Bright Idea Books
Poetry Editor
Kathryn Hellerstein
Editorial Board
Elisheva Baumgarten
Marc Brettler
Sylvia Barack Fishman
David Golinkin
Deborah Greniman
Renée Levine Melammed
Shulamit Reinharz
Alice Shalvi
International Editorial Advisory Board
Rachel Adler
Judith Baskin
Daniel Boyarin
Brenda E. Brasher
Tova Cohen
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Blu Greenberg
Galit Hasan-Rokem
Kathryn Hellerstein
Sara Horowitz
Judith Kates
Francine Klagsbrun
Laura Levitt
Amia Lieblich
Rochelle Millen
Anita Norich
Vanessa Ochs
Dalia Ofer
Judith Plaskow
Einat Ramon
Susan Sered
Sybil Sheridan
Gail Twersky Reimer
Debbie Weissman
Wendy Zierler
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Copyright © The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute.