In this Issue
For sixteen years, Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History has brought to the study of Jewish literature, in its many guises and periods, new methods of study and a new wholeness of approach. A unique exchange has taken place between Israeli and American scholars, as more work from Israelis has appeared in the journal. Prooftexts' thematic issues have made important contributions to the field.
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Indiana University Pressviewing issue
Volume 32, Number 3, Fall 2012Editorial Board
Jeremy Dauber
Columbia University
Barbara Mann
Jewish Theological Seminary
Associate Editors
Beth Berkowitz
Jewish Theological Seminary
Justin Daniel Cammy
Smith College
Jonathan P. Decter
Brandeis University
Amir Eshel
Stanford University
Tamar S. Hess
Hebrew University
Sheila E. Jelen
University of Maryland, College Park
Mikhail Krutikov
University of Michigan
Tzvi Novick
University of Notre Dame
Yaron Peleg
George Washington University
Rachel Rubenstein
Hampshire College
Don Seeman
Emory University
Benjamin Sommer
Jewish Theological Seminary
Deborah Starr
Cornell University
Steven Weitzman
Stanford University
Barry Wimpfheimer
Northwestern University
Editorial Staff
Joyce Rappaport
Copy Editor
Founding Editors
Alan Mintz
David G. Roskies