In this Issue
The Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS) is a refereed academic journal published quarterly by ICAS Press for the Islamic College in London. The journal provides an international forum for scholars through the publication of research articles in all fields of Shi‘a studies, from the historical to the contemporary and from the theological to the philosophical.
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ICAS Pressviewing issue
Volume 6, Number 3, Summer 2013Editorial Board
Dr. M. J. Elmi
The Islamic College, UK
Reviews Editors
Dr. A. Ahmadvand
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
(Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish)
Dr. A. Cancian
Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK
(European Languages)
Assistant Editors
Ms. A. Inloes
The Islamic College, UK
Advisory Board (in alphabetical order)
Prof. H. Algar
University of California, USA
Dr. A. A. Allawi
Independent researcher
Mr. M. I. Asaria
Independent researcher
Prof. H. Ayatollahy
Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
Dr. E. Bazzi
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
A. Dastmalchian
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. R. Gleave
University of Exeter, UK
Dr. J. Husain
The Islamic College, UK
Dr. R. El-Husseini
Texas A&M University, USA
Dr. M. Ipgrave
Church of England, UK
Dr. M. Javadi
University of Qum, Iran
Prof. M. Khatami
University of Tehran, Iran
Prof. H. Landolt
Institute of Ismaili Studies, London
Prof. W. Madelung
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. R. Masterton
The Islamic College, UK
Prof. J. Morris
Boston College, USA
Dr. J. A. Morrow
Ivy Tech, Indiana, USA
Dr. A. J. Newman
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. L. Peerwani
Al-Hedayah Academy, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Dr. S. A. Salehi
Seminary of Qum, Iran
Dr. M. Samiei
University of Tehran, Iran
Prof. L. Takim
McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Dr. A. Vanzan
University of Milan, Italy
Prof. B. Wheeler
United States Naval Academy, Maryland, USA