Linguistic Society of America
  • The CARE approach to incorporating undergraduate research in the phonetics/phonology classroomSupplementary material

[Download PDF file ] CMU syllabus: “Phonetics and Phonology II”

This course schedule illustrates the timing and pacing of topics, assignments, and components of the research project for Phonetics & Phonology II as it was taught at Carnegie Mellon University.

[Download PDF file ] UNAV syllabus: “Phonetics and Phonology of Spanish”

This course schedule illustrates the timing and pacing of topics, assignments, and components of the research project for Phonetics & Phonology of Spanish as it was taught at the University of Navarra.

[Download PDF file ] Survey (English): Preconceptions about the project

This is the English version of the survey we distributed to students prior to beginning the research project, both to assess student attitudes about the project and to assess students’ background, motivation, and skill sets in order to form the research groups.

[Download PDF file ] Survey (English): Postconceptions about the project

This is the English version of the survey we distributed to students at the end of the course. We used it to solicit student feedback, student perceptions on how the groups worked out, and students’ overall experience of the project.

[Download PDF file ] Lesson plans for incorporating CARE

These are sample lesson plans to illustrate how each component of the research process could be administered as part of CARE, in any of the three modes of delivery: Blackboxing, Simulation, and Full Engagement, as described in the accompanying article.

Christina Bjorndahl
Carnegie Mellon University
Mark Gibson
Universidad de Navarra
