In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Studies in English Literature 1500–1900Volume 60, 2020
Abstracts, Autumn 837
Abstracts, Spring 437
Abstracts, Summer 647
Abstracts, Winter 199
Beenstock, Zoe, “How Samuel Taylor Coleridge Suspended Henry Fielding’s Disbelief” 673
Boemler, Anne Goetz, “George Herbert and the Dangers of Invention” 47
“Books Received in Nineteenth-Century Studies” 825
Browning, Logan D., “David Bevington: A Tribute” 203
Callaghan, Madeleine, “Shelley’s Excursion 717
Choe, Sharon, “Deformed Bodies and Norse Origins in William Blake” 529
Choi, Tina Young, “History, Memory, and Rewriting the Past in A Tale of Two Cities 783
Clement, William Dean, “Milton, Thomas Hobbes, and the Political Problem of Chaos” 133
Daniel, Clay, “The Epic Calm of The Readie and Easie Way 91
Darcy, Robert, “Puppets, Sexlessness, and the Dumbfounding of Male Epistemology in Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair 365
Hall, Amelia, “Epic-graphic Proportions in George Eliot’s Middlemarch 805
Hall, S. Cailey, “The Wild Irish Girl Diet” 551
Hutcheon, Elizabeth, “Medea and The Merchant of Venice 323
Klein, Ula Lukszo, “Fanny Price as Disabled Heroine in Mansfield Park 577
Lehnhof, Kent R., “Twinship and Marriage in The Comedy of Errors 277
Leuner, Kirstyn J., “Locating Women’s Book History in The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing 651
Linthicum, Kent, “Rise of British Petroaesthetics in King Coal’s Levee 739
Loewenstein, David, “David Bevington: A Tribute” 203
Macdonald, James Ross, “Milton’s Tutelary Angels” 113
MacKay, Ellen, “David Bevington: A Tribute” 203
Mathie, Elizabeth, “Critiquing Mastery and Maintaining Hierarchy in The Taming of the Shrew 257
Munro, Lucy, “Recent Studies in Tudor and Stuart Drama” 387
Natarajan, Uttara, “Charles Dickens’s Realism and the Romantic Essayists” 761
Netzley, Ryan, “Recent Studies in the English Renaissance” 153
Rayner, Emma, “Monumental Female Melancholy in John Webster and Hester Pulter” 67
Rosenfeld, Colleen Ruth, “The Queen’s Conceit in Shakespeare’s Richard II 25
Schoel, Josie, “Cosmetics, Whiteness, and Fashioning Early Modern Englishness” 1
Scott, Sarah K., “‘modern for the times’: Lording Barry, Christopher Marlowe, and Ovid” 347
Squitieri, Christina M., “Jane Shore’s Political Identity in Thomas Heywood’s Edward IV 299
Sodeman, Melissa, “Gilbert White, Anecdote, and Natural History” 507
Solomonescu, Yasmin, “Emma and the ‘Chimera of Relativism’” 693
Tann, Donovan E., “Experimental Science and Speculation in Cavendish’s Convent of Pleasure 463
Verini, Alexandra, “Utopian Friendships in Mary Wroth and Margaret Cavendish” 441
Walle, Taylor, “Boswell’s Dictionary and the Status of Scots Dialect in the Eighteenth Century” 485
Wesley, John, “Quintilian’s Forensic Grief and The Spanish Tragedy 209
Wilde, Lisa, “Number and Narrative in Marlowe’s Tamburlaine the Great 229
Womersley, David, “Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century” 597

