

This essay is an extension of Bogdan's article, "The Shiver-Shimmer Factor: Musical Spirituality, Emotion, and Education" in Philosophy of Music Education Review, which elaborates "shiver" and "shimmer" as two kinds of emotional response to music, with "shiver" defined as a sensate surface aesthetic, considered subordinate to "shimmer," a meditational state aspiring to the condition of musical spirituality. "Incarnating the Shiver-Shimmer Factor" reverses the relationship between "shiver" and "shimmer" by regarding "shiver" as logically prior to "shimmer." Within this context, the roles of both performer and listener are re-imagined through the tradition of Longinian and Romanticist aesthetics, wherein "shiver" is re-conceptualized as grounding musical spirituality, not as instrumental to it. Here the added dimension of what the performer brings to the musical experience is seen as key to creating the possibility of performers and listeners/audience as coequal participants in musical experience within a dialogical sublime based on an ethics of embodied listening.

