In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 75, 2019 / Index du volume 75, 2019

Cobb, Tom and Marlise Horst Bringing Home the Word 285
Dagenais, Diane Explorations du sociomatériel dans les recherches sur l’apprentissage et l’enseignement des langues 319
Deng, Jun and Leila Ranta Improving Chinese EFL Teachers’ English Requests:
Does Study Abroad Help? 145
Derwing, Tracey M. and Ronald I. Thomson Reflections on the Development of L2 Pronunciation Research in Canada 329
Duff, Patricia, Sandra Zappa-Hollman and Victoria Surtees Research on Language and Literacy Socialization at Canadian Universities 308
Farmer, Diane et Marie-Paule Lory Langues et identités plurielles en contexte éducatif canadien francophone : comment une langue s’épanouitelle au travers des mouvements de société ? 353
Fortier, Véronique, Philippa Bell, Valérie Perron et Isabelle Gauvin Réflexions métalinguistiques et correction d’erreurs en anglais langue seconde : étude des types de réflexions et relation avec l’exactitude des corrections 3
Garcia Cortés, Olga Mireya and Susan Parks Teachers’ Perceptions and Use of Code-Switching in Core ESL Classes in Quebec Elementary Schools 23
Gentil, Guillaume D’une langue à l’autre : pour une didactique plurilingue et translangagière de l’écrit 65
Gosselin-Lavoie, Catherine et Françoise Armand Utilisation d’albums bilingues par des familles bi/plurilingues : description des langues employées lors des lectures et des interactions 105
Kennedy, Sara and Pavel Trofimovich Comprehensibility: A Useful Tool to Explore Listener Understanding 275
Lyster, Roy Translanguaging in Immersion: Cognitive Support or Social Prestige? 340
Nematizadeh, Shahin and David Wood Willingness to Communicate and Second Language Speech Fluency: An Investigation of Affective and Cognitive Dynamics 197
Norton, Bonny Identity and Language Learning: A 2019 Retrospective Account 299
Rocafort, Míriam Cabré The Development of Plurilingual Education through Multimodal Narrative Reflection in Teacher Education: A Case Study of a Pre-Service Teacher’s Beliefs about Language Education 40
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne Claire and Carl Ord Using the Concept of Aspect to Mediate the Choice of Past Tense in L2 French: Case Study of an Advanced Student at the Tertiary Level 236
Shea, Christine and Karen Leonard Evaluating Measures of Pausing for Second Language Fluency Research 216
Snoddon, Kristin and Erin Wilkinson Problematizing the Legal Recognition of Sign Languages in Canada 128
Strachan, Lauren and Pavel Trofimovich Now You Hear It, Now You Don’t: Perception of English Regular Past –ed in Naturalistic Input 84

Slavkov, Nikolay and Jérémie Séror The Development of the Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative at the University of Ottawa 254
Wong, Kevin M. and Pauline Mak Self-Assessment in the Primary L2 Writing Classroom 183
Wong, Melanie M. “Sa:y What You Want…”: Rap Battles in a Technology-Enhanced Classroom 169

