In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Current JJ Checklist (129)
  • William S. Brockman

We note with congratulations several articles in the “Miscellaneous” section observing the birthday of Fritz Senn, who, among his many contributions to the Joyce community, has been a stalwart contributor to the Checklist since its inception. Thanks to this Checklist’s contributors: Sabrina Alonso, Shelly Brivic, Teresa Caneda, Richard Gerber, Michael Groden, Judith Harrington, Patrick O’Neill, Friedhelm Rathjen, and Fritz Senn. Please send contributions to your bibliographer at W329 Pattee, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, or via e-mail to The Checklists are cumulated online in The James Joyce Checklist <>.


Best-Loved Joyce. Ed. Jamie O’Connell. Dublin: O’Brien Press, 2017. 128 pp. ISBN 978-1-84717-839-8. [Collection of excerpts. Introduction, Bob Joyce; illustrations, Emma Byrne.]

Pomi un penny l’uno. Poesie una pena l’una. Ed. Francesca Romana Paci. Turin: Nuova Trauben, 2017. 66 pp. ISBN 9788899312145. [Italian translation of PP.]


ABSHER, Tom. Celebrating the Sacred in Ordinary Life: James Joyce and the Renaissance Magus. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature, 134. New York: Peter Lang, 2017. xxv, 124 pp. ISBN 978-1-4331-3979-6.

BALKAYA, Mehmet Akif. “Voices in James Joyce’s ‘The Dead’: A Bakhtinian Reading.” Journal of International Social Research 10, no. 52 (October 2017): 69–74.

(BARLOW. The Celtic Unconscious: Joyce and Scottish Culture. 2017.) [Rev.: John Brannigan, Scottish Literary Review 9, ii (Autumn/Winter 2017): 162–64.]

BAZARNIK, Katarzyna, and Jakub Wróblewski. “First We Feel Then We Fall: James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake as an Interactive Video Application.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32, supplement 2 (December 2017): 124–34. [End Page 327]

(BIRMINGHAM. The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce’s Ulysses. 2014.) [Rev.: Dan Chiasson, “Ulysses and the Moral Right to Pleasure,” New Yorker (16 June 2014): online.]

(BOYSEN. The Ethics of Love: An Essay on James Joyce. 2013.) [Rev.: James Gifford, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature = Revue canadienne de littérature comparée 44, iv (December 2017): 801–04.]

(BRIVIC. Revolutionary Damnation: Badiou and Irish Fiction from Joyce to Enright. 2017.) [Rev.: Joseph S. O’Leary, Journal of Irish Studies 32 (2017): 73–74.]

BROCKMAN, William S., Tekla Mecsnóber, and Sabrina Alonso, eds. Publishing in Joyce’s Ulysses: Newpapers, Advertising and Printing. European Joyce Studies, 26. Leiden: Brill, 2018. xiv, 232 pp. ISBN 978-90-04-35904-8. [Contents: Judith Harrington, “George Newnes’s Most Entertaining Publication,” 11–24; Elisabetta D’Erme, “Bloom, the Dandy, the Nymph and the Old Hag: Tit-Bits and Photo Bits, Reflections of the Victorian Press in James Joyce’s Ulysses,” 25–46; Fritz Senn, “Types of News Events,” 47–56; Jolanta Wawrzycka, “Newspapers, Print, Language: Steganography in Joyce,” 57–76; David Spurr, “Classified Advertising in Joyce,” 77–88; Matthew Hayward, “‘But Who Was Gerty?’ Intertextuality and the Advertising Language of ‘Nausicaa,’” 89–106; Sabrina Alonso, “Advertising in Ulysses,” 107–129; Harald Beck, “‘Aeolus’—A Sightseeing Tour,” 130–142; Tamara Radak, “‘Aeolus,” Interrupted: Heady Headlines and Joycean Negotiations of Closure,” 143–155; Sangam MacDuff, “The Self-Reflexive Text of ‘Aeolus,’” 156–174; William S. Brockman, “‘Clio’s Clippings’: From Newspaper to Press Cutting,” 175–191; Tekla Mecsnóber, “The Ineluctable Modernity of the Visible: The Typographic Odyssey of Ulysses in Interwar Print Culture,” 192–224.]

CANEDA-CABRERA, M. Teresa. “One Hundred Years of ‘Silence, Exile and Cunning’: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916–2016).” Nexus 2016, ii (2016): 114–23.

CANEDA-CABRERA, M. Teresa. “Trans/atlantic Mobilities: Translating Narratives of Irish Resistance.” Towards 2016: 1916 and Irish Literature, Culture & Society. Ed. Seán Crosson and Werner Huber. Irish Studies in Europe, 6. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015. 83–96. ISBN 978-3-86821-622-6. [P.]

CARNERO, Roberto. “Così Joyce a Trieste sentiva gridare i cuori dei vogatori.” Il Piccolo (2 August 2017). [Interview with Francesca Romana Paci regarding her translation of PP.]

CONLEY, Tim. Useless Joyce: Textual Functions, Cultural Appropriations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. 189 pp. ISBN 978-1-4875...

