In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index
Jennifer Anderson Bliss
Redrawing History: Visual Postmemory in Tardi’s 120, rue de la Gare
49.1 73-92
Ed Cameron
Harmony Korine’s “Break from Reality”: Spring Breakers as Candy-Coloured Neon Noir
49.4 89-105
Emily Cheng
The Vietnamese American “Model Orphan” in Aimee Phan’s We Should Never Meet
49.3 109-25
Milton A. Cohen
The Morgan Loans, Baku Oil, and Woodrow Wilson: How Valid Were John Dos Passos’s Claims in 1919?
49.3 127-41
Kathy Comfort
Referencing Proust in Annie Guéhenno’s L’Épreuve
49.1 1-17
Paul M. Curtis
“Yo man so what’s your story”: The Double Bind and Addiction in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest
49.4 37-52
Eva Darias-Beautell
The Softness of Theory: A T(r)opological Reading of Lisa Robertson’s Soft Architecture
49.4 53-70
Sean Dempsey
“Set my lands in order”: States of Exception, the Cinematic, and The Waste Land
49.1 111-27
Natalie Diebschlag
Jazzing the Novel: The Derridean Ethics of Michael Ondaatje’s Coming through Slaughter
49.1 161-78
M. Reza Ghorbanian
Subjectivity as Alterity in Seamus Heaney’s Poetry
49.2 113-32
Wayne Glausser
Limbo, Pluto, Soprano: Negative Capability in Three Underworlds
49.1 55-71
John Glendening
Education, Science, and Secularist Ethics in Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things
49.2 75-92
Ibis Gómez-Vega
Marriage, Myths, and Fairy Tales in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz
49.2 133-47
Keith Harrison
Bakhtinian Polyphony in Godard’s King Lear
49.3 159-78
Eva Heisler
Soulful Mathematics: Poetry and Icelandic Conceptualism
49.2 51-73
Jin Man Jeong
How and What to Recollect: Political and Curative Storytelling in Silko’s Ceremony
49.3 1-17
Alaina Kaus
A View from the Vietnamese Diaspora: Memories of Warfare and Refuge in GB Tran’s Vietnamerica
49.4 1-19
Joseph DeFalco Lamperez
The Aztecs and Urban Form in Georges Bataille, Diego Rivera, and J. G. Posada
49.4 145-67
Patrick S. Lawrence
The “Vocabulary of Human Behavior”: Gesture in How the García Girls Lost Their Accents
49.2 35-50
Jill LeRoy-Frazier
Travels in Subjectivity: Post(Genomic) Humanism in Ursula K. LeGuin’s Changing Planes
49.2 95-111
Gabriel Alexander Lovatt
From Experiment to Epidemic: Embodiment in the Decadent Modernism of Arthur Machen’s “The Great God Pan” and “The Inmost Light”
49.1 19-35
Lisa McGunigal
The Criminal Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Ritual, Religion, and Law
49.2 149-66
Joseph Mai
“Un tissu de mots”: Writing Human and Animal Life in Olivia Rosenthal’s Que font les rennes après Noël ?
49.3 55-70
Carl D. Malmgren
Art and Life in Edith Wharton’s “The Muse’s Tragedy”
49.4 129-44
Lorraine Markotic
Deleuze’s “Masochism” and the Heartbreak of Waiting
49.4 21-36
Mary Janell Metzger
Epistemic Injustice and The Rape of Lucrece
49.2 19-34
Stella Oh
Ethical Spectatorship in Adrian Tomine’s Shortcomings
49.4 107-27
Justin Prystash
Vectors of a Flea: The Convergence of Species in Victorian Animal Autobiographies
49.1 37-53
Jason Puskar
Black and White and Read All Over: Photography and the Voices of Richard Wright
49.2 167-83
Antje M. Rauwerda
Third Culture Time and Place: Michael Ondaatje’s The Cat’s Table
49.3 39-53
Bruce Redwine
The Ancient Egyptian Context of The Alexandria Quartet
49.3 71-90
Romén Reyes-Peschl
The Detective as “Zombie of the Interrogative Mood” in Cameron McCabe’s The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor
49.1 93-109
Brian Reed
Idea Eater: The Conceptual Lyric as an Emergent Literary Form
49.2 1-18
Natalie Roxburgh, Anton Kirchhofer, and Anna Auguscik
Universal Narrativity and the Anxious Scientist of the Contemporary Neuronovel
49.4 71-87
Payal Taneja
Gift-Giving and Domesticating the Upper-Class Pooch in Flush
49.1 129-44
Jay Telotte
Robby the Robot and Robotic Persistence
49.3 19-37
Irene Visser
What Counts: Social Drama and Connectedness in Flannery O’Connor’s “The River” and “Revelation”
49.3 143-58...

