In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Dissertations
  • Bonnie L. Blankenship
Bacchi, Ashley L. (Ph.D. 2015, Graduate Theological Union) Uncovering Jewish Creativity: Gender and Intertextuality in Book III of the Sibylline Oracles Adviser: Erich Gruen
Berk, Emile Tobias (Ph.D. 2015, Seton Hall University) Construct Validation of the Psychosocial Costs of Racism to Whites Scale for Ashkenazic Jews in the United States Adviser: Bruce W. Hartman
Carter, Erik Christopher (Ph.D. 2015, Claremont School of Theology) The Shabbat Practices of American Pulpit Rabbis in Practical Theological Perspective Adviser: Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook
Feigelson, Joshua Meir (Ph.D. 2015, Northwestern University) Relationship, Power, and Holy Secularity: Rabbi Yitz Greenberg and American Jewish Life, 1966–1983 Adviser: Robert A. Orsi
Friedlander, Joshua Hermann (D.M. 2015, Florida State University) The Cultural Influences of Ernest Bloch’s Violin Concerto Adviser: Jane Piper Clendinning
Gurwitz, Beatrice Dora (Ph.D. 2012, University of California, Berkeley) From the New World to the Third World: Generation, Politics, and the Making of Argentine Jewish Ethnicity (1955–1983) Advisers: Margaret Chowning and Mark A. Healey
Haber, Ruth Ellen (Ph.D. 2014, University of California, Berkeley) Rabbis on the Road: Exposition En Route in Classical Rabbinic Texts Adviser: Daniel Boyarin
Ingenthron, Elizabeth Tauba (Ph.D. 2015, Graduate Theological Union) In Jewish Pursuit of Justice: Using Critical Pedagogy and Critical Whiteness Studies to Teach Israel/Palestine in the United States Adviser: Judith Berling
Katz, Yona (Ph.D. 2014, University of Toronto) From Crying Comes Light: The Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress on the Poetry of Amir Gilboa Adviser: Harry Fox
Kavaloski, Alainya (Ph.D. 2015, University of Wisconsin, Madison) Fragmentary Returns: Revisioning Contemporary Militarized Homelands in Israel and the United States Adviser: Susan S. Friedman
Kirschen, Bryan (Ph.D. 2015, University of California, Los Angeles) Judeo-Spanish Encounters Modern Spanish: Language Contact and Diglossia among the Sephardim of Los Angeles and New York City Advisers: Claudia Parodi-Lewin and Carlos C. Quicoli
Neria, Chaim Meir (Ph.D. 2015, University of Chicago) “It Cannot Be Valued with the Gold of Ophir” (Job 28:16): Rabbi Joseph B. Shemṭob’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics – Sources and Analysis Adviser: James T. Robinson
Rosenberg-Wohl, David Michael (Ph.D. 2014, University of California, Berkeley) Reconstructing Jewish Identity on the Foundations of Hellenistic History: Azariah de’ Rossi’s Me’or ‘Enayim in Late Sixteenth-Century Northern Italy. Adviser: Erich S. Gruen
Sampson, Elissa J. (Ph.D. 2015, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Tenement Tales: The Fashioning of 97 Orchard Street Advisers: John Pickles and Nina Marti
Schneller, Renana (Ph.D. 2014, University of Minnesota) Pedagogies, Ideologies, and Secular Jewish Identities in U.S. Hebrew Schools Adviser: Kendall A. King
Shannon, Avram Richard (Ph.D. 2015, Ohio State University) Other Peoples’ Rituals: Tannaitic Portrayals of Graeco-Roman Ritual Adviser: Michael D. Swartz
Sherwood, Daniel A. (Ph.D. 2015, The New School) Civic Struggles: Jews, Blacks, and the Question of Inclusion at the City College of New York, 1930–1975 Advisers: Eiko Ikegami and Carlos Forment
Silver, Jacqueline (D.Ed. 2015, Fielding Graduate University) Education of Jewish Children in Nazi Occupied Areas between 1933 and 1945 Adviser: Don Trent Jacobs
Spitzer, Yannay (Ph.D. 2015, Northwestern University) Essays on the Economics of the Jews and Their Migration Adviser: Joel Mokyr
Stockman, Susanne Beth (Ph.D. 2015, Pacifica Graduate Institute) Daughters of Yahweh: Recovering the Deep Feminine from the Yahweh Complex Adviser: Lionel Corbett
Tableman, Kara (Ph.D. 2015, University of Arizona) Epistolary Hate Letters of Denunciation against Jews in Vichy France (1940–1944) Adviser: Marie-Pierre Le Hir
Trenary, Mindy (Ph.D. 2015, University of Arkansas) Immigrant Cosmopolitanism: Jewish-American Immigrant Narratives and Modernist Cosmopolitan Aesthetics Adviser: M. Keith Booker
Uslin, Karen Lin (Ph.D. 2015, Catholic University of America) Grasping at Hours of Freedom: Musical Life in the Terezin Concentration Camp Adviser: Andrew H. Weaver
Wollenberg, Rebecca S...

