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Leonardo, Vol. 15, No.2, pp. 150-151, 1982 Printed in Great Britain TERMINOLOGY The terms defined below were selected from artists' Articles and Notes published in the previous issue of Leonardo. Each definition is followed by an indication of the volume and page of Leonardo on which the term first appears. The terms were not found in the art dictionaries among the dictionaries listed in Leonardo 15,68 (1982) or they are used in a new sense. Some are terms that have been carried over into the field of art from the natural and social sciences, from mathematics and from technology. Numbers in brackets, e.g. [II, 17], refer to the dictionaries mentioned above. The definitions are not presumed to be unassailable. The editors would, therefore, welcome the comments of readers on the definitions presented. 1103. Autoclave-A thick-walled vessel with a tighly fitting lid in which substances or objects may be heated under pressure. Autoclaves are used. for example, for sterilization (of medical instruments, etc.), in the manufacture of chemicals and in cooking. (IS, 16; [2, 18]). 1104. Axonometric projection, planometric projection (in technical drawing}-A drawing in which a 3-dimensional object (say a cube) is depicted in such a way that its plan view is at an oblique angle to the plane of a sheet of paper (three faces of a cube are shown but none is parallel to the plane of the sheet of paper) and vertical edges are presented in actual scale relative to one another (i.e. no foreshortening). (14,274; [21]) (Correction of Term 1037, Terminology. Leonardo 14, 59 (1981)). 1105. Bandsaw-A sawing machine using a saw in the form of an endless belt. (IS, 41; [21]). 1106. CRT (in computer technology)-(IS, 34) (Cf. Terminology , Leonardo 3, 98 (1970): cathode ray tube). 1107, Digitizing tablet (in computer technology)-(IS, 34) (Cf. Terminology, Leonardo 3, 102(1970): Rand tablet; 15,68 (1982): digitize). 1108. Ferro-concrete (in architecture)-(IS, 13; [21]) (Cf. Term 1122: reinforced concrete). 1109. Fiber-cement, fibrous cement (in architecture)-A mixture of portland cement. water and a strong fibrous material. (IS, 14). 1110. Floppy disk (in computer technology)-A flexible disk that resembles phonograph records, which is used as a magnetic storage medium. (IS, 34; [14]). 1111. Head (in electronics)-A device that reads (playback head), records (recording head) or erases (erase head) signals stored on a suitable medium, such as a magnetic tape. (15,43; [17]). 1112. Microprocessor (in computer technology)-A computer element consisting usually of a single chip of semiconductor and containing the control unit, central processing circuitry, and arithmetic and logic functions for use, for example, as the central processing unit of a microcomputer. (IS, 34; [13]) (Cf. Terminology, Leonardo 14, 150 (1981): silicon chip; IS, 69 (1982): microcomputer). 150 0024-094X/82/020 150-02$03.00/0 Pergamon Press Ltd. 1113, Moist curing (in cement technology-The practice of keeping a concrete object wet during its long curing stage to provide the water for the necessary chemical changes to occur. (IS, 16) (Cf. Term 1124: steam curing). 1114, Monitor (in electronics)-A device, for example, a television receiver, used to indicate the output of electronic equipment. (IS, 34,43; [12]). 1115. Neat cement (in cement technology)-A mixture of portland cement with water, but without sand or other materials. (15,14; [21]). 1116, Pixel (in computer technology)-One of the many points comprising a raster on a television or oscilloscope screen. (15,34; [12]) (Cf. Terminology, Leonardo 3, 102 (1970): raster). 1117. Polymer-impregnated concrete (in building conservation )-Hardened (cured) concrete impregnated by a polymer to increase its strength and elastic property. The impregnation is produced by introducing a liquid monomer into the pores of the surface of the concrete and causing a solid polymer to be formed chemically from the monomer within the pores. (IS, 16; [Lynn Olson, Sculpting with Cement (Valparaiso, Ind.: Steelstone Press, (981) p. 103]). 1118. Polymer-modified cement (or concrete), latex-modified cement (or concrete) (in architecture)-A mixture of portland cement and a water emulsion of a polymer (for example, acrylic or vinyl). The hardened cement has an increased resistance to cracking. It is...

