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Notes on Contributors g a r y c r o s s isDistinguishedProfessorof ModemHistoryandDirectorofGraduate Studiesat PennsylvaniaStateUniversity. Hisresearchfocuseson late industrial societyin WesternEurope, England, and the UnitedStateswithrespectto family, work, leisure, popularculture, andtech­ nology. HisbooksincludeTimeandMoney: TheMakingofConsumerCulture (1993). Jo n a t h a n g e r s h u n y isthe Director ofthe InstituteforSocialand Economic Research(ISER),anda Professorof Sociologyat the UniversityofEssex.Heis theJointPrincipalInvestigatorforboth the BritishHouseholdPanel Studyand the MultinationalTimeUseStudy,which arebothbasedat ISER. GEOFFREY GODBEY isProfessorof LeisureStudies atPennsylvaniaState University. Hismost recentworkisLeisure andLeisureServicesinthe21stCentury (rev. ed., 2005), and he has alsocoauthored TimeforLife:TheSurprisingWaysAmericans UseTime (withRobinson, rev. ed., 1999). AUniversityProfessorand Professorof PoliticalScienceandSociologyatBoston University, Lia h Gr e e n f e l d ’s books include TheSpiritofCapitalism:Nationalism andEconomicGrowth(2001).Mostrecently she hasbeenstudyingthe psychologi­ calimplications ofnationalismandthe connectionbetweenmindand culture moregenerally.Thisisher third article forSocialResearch. ARUE RUSSELL HOCHSCHILD, ProfessorOf Sociologyat the UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley, isthe author ofsixbooks, includingTheTimeBind:WhenWork BecomesHomeandHomeBecomesWork (1997) and TheCommercialSpiritofIntimate LifeandOtherEssays(2003), aswellas numerous articles. Hercurrentresearch projects areanimatedbythe triumphof the market oversomuch elsein life. ro bert lev in e is ProfessorofPsychology andAssociateDeanofthe Collegeof ScienceandMathematics at California StateUniversity, Fresno. Hisbook,A GeographyofTime(1997),wasawarded the OttoKlinebergIntercultural andInternational RelationsAward. Levine’smost recentbookis ThePower ofPersuasion:HowWe’reBoughtandSold (2003). m i c h a e l o ’m a lle y , Associate Professor of History and Art History at George Mason University, is the author of Keeping Watch: A History ofAmerican Time. His research interests include the history of money and value, the history of music and recorded sound, and new media pedagogy. JOHN r o b i n s o n is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Americans’Use ofTime Project at the University of Maiyland, College Park. He is currently coauthoring a new book with Suzanne Bianchi and Melissa Milkie on the chang­ ing time use of parents, and is continuing his long-term interest in the mass media and social change. a l a n r y a n is Warden of New College, Oxford University and a member of the British Academy since 1986. He is the author of many articles and books includ­ ing Liberal Anxieties and Liberal Education (1998),John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism (1997), and Russell: A Political Life (1995). w i l l i a m E. s c h e u e r m a n will be joining the political science faculty of Indiana University at the end of the year. He is author ofLiberal Democracy and the Social Acceleration ofTime (2004), Carl Schmitt: The End ofLaw (1999), and Between the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School and the Rule ofLaw (1994). He is presently working on a study of Hans Morgenthau. ALEXANDER w e l s h , Emily Sanford Professor of English at Yale University, is author of Freud's Wishful Dream Book (1994) and, most recently, Hamlet in his Modem Guises (2001). His current project is a liter­ ary and philosophical study of honor. ...

