In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Science Fiction Film and Television 1.2 (2008), 363–364 ISSN 1754-3770 (print) 1754-3789 (online) ©  LUP Index to Volume 1 Articles Amy-Chinn, Dee, Rose Tyler: the ethics of care and the limit of agency 231 Badiou, Alain, Dialectics of the fable 15 Hills, Matt, The dispersible television text: theorising moments of the new ­ Doctor Who 25 Luckhurst, Roger, Found-footage science fiction: five films by Craig Baldwin, Jonathan Weiss, Werner Herzog and Patrick Keiller 193 Paz, Mariano, South of the future: an overview of Latin American science ­ fiction cinema 81 Rolinson, Dave and Karen Devlin, ‘A new wilderness’: memory and language in the television ­ science fiction of Nigel Kneale 45 Sharp, Patrick B., Darwin’s soldiers: gender, evolution and warfare in Them! and Forbidden Planet 215 Sobchack, Vivian, Love machines: boy toys, toy boys and the oxymorons of A.I.: ­­ Artificial Intelligence 1 Telotte, J. P., Serenity, cinematisation and the perils of adaptation 67 Tuck, Greg, When more is less: CGI, spectacle and the capitalist sublime 249 Archive Pharr, Mary, The lab and the woods: science and myth in Les Yeux sans­ visage 105 Sharp, Sharon, Star Maidens: gender and science fiction in the 1970s 275 Vint, Sherryl, ‘A family of displaced figures’: an overview of Donna­ Haraway 289 Vint, Sherryl, Embodied texts, embodied subjects: an overview of N. Katherine Hayles 115 Review article Bould, Mark, Nothing much to phone home about (with exceptions) 303 364 Index to Volume 1 Book reviews Brooker, Will, ed., The Blade Runner Experience (Andrew M. Butler) 142 Frye Jacobson, Matthew and Gaspar Gonzalez, What Have They Built You to Do? The Manchurian Candidate and Cold War ­ America (David Seed) 138 Grünberg, Serge, ed., David Cronenberg: Interviews (Rob Latham) 144 Harbord, Janet, The Evolution of Film: Rethinking Film ­ Studies (Richard Rushton) 331 Klinger, Barbara, Beyond the Multiplex: Cinema, New ­ Technologies, and the Home (Alexia L. Bowler) 335 Melzer, Patricia, Alien Constructions: Science Fiction and Feminist Thought (Gwyneth Jones) 327 Naremore, James, On Kubrick (Carl Freedman) 133 Rodowick, D. N., The Virtual Life of Film (Richard Rushton) 331 Strauven, Wanda, ed., The Cinema of Attractions Reloaded (Paul Williams) 127 DVD reviews 4 (Jarett Burke) 183 The Atrocity Exhibition (Mark Bould) 359 A Boy and His Dog (Peter Wright) 341 Clonus (Kim Newman) 346 District 13 (Pam Cook) 179 Fantastic Planet (Seth Giddings) 176 Flatland the Film (Aylish Wood) 167 The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick (Neil Easterbrook) 352 The Host (Nikki J. Y. Lee) 349 Immortal (Ad Vitam) (William Brown) 171 The Man Who Fell to Earth (Adam Roberts) 155 Naked Lunch (William Beard) 151 No Maps for These Territories (Neil Easterbrook) 159 Spectres of the Spectrum (Sherryl Vint) 356 Stereo and Crimes of the Future (Stacey Abbott) 147 Transformers (Mark Bould) 163 Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America (Sherryl Vint) 356 ...

