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Volume 24, No. 2 Autumn Number, 1935 Bulletin of Friends' Historical Association THE ANNUAL MEETING OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, 1935 Friends' Historical Association held its annual meeting at the Friends' Select School, Seventeenth and Parkway, Philadelphia, on the evening of Second-day, Eleventh month 25, 1935. Charles Francis Jenkins, President of the Association, presided at the business meeting. The annual reports of the President and Treasurer were given, and Directors of the Association were elected for the ensuing year as shown on the opposite page. Charles Francis Jenkins, Vice-President from 1923 to 1928, and President from 1928 to 1935, asked to be excused from further service on the Board of Directors, and William I. Hull was elected to fill the vacancy. The President's report referred to the spring meeting of the Association at Marshallton, Pennsylvania, a brief account of which was printed in the spring number of the Bulletin; to the election of William Penn to the Hall of Fame at New York University ; and to the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the arrival of William Bradford in America. The Curator, Lydia Flágg Gummere, reported that the Aimwell School had been laid down, and that the records of the School had been presented to Friends' Historical Association, consisting of the charter, the minute books, the official seal, and other papers, all filed in a mahogany box. The address of the evening was by Mr. Fred J. Cooper, on "Time and Timepieces," illustrated by many ancient clocks and watches which were on exhibition. After this address the meeting enjoyed a collation; and the new Board of Directors, meeting for organization, elected officers for the year, William Wistar Comfort succeeding Charles Francis Jenkins as President. 55 ...

