University of Nebraska Press
Judith Strasser - 1240 Sherman Avenue - Prairie Schooner 77:1 Prairie Schooner 77.1 (2003) 157-158

1240 Sherman Avenue

Judith Strasser

Days, she screams, cajoles, bitches, crawls
on her belly like a snake. Nights, she throws
herself onto the bed, muffles her sobs
with down plumped in long-staple cotton. [End Page 157]
The woman who lives here knows
that the coin that buys houses, soap for the bath,
clothes for her children, lapis lazuli
necklaces matched with earrings set in gold,
is paid by the hand that slaps her around.
In the back, long-limbed boys row
fragile shells over the lake. In the front,
silver maples dwarf the colonnade,
sway in light breezes, drop leaves in high wind,
threaten to break with every storm.


Judith Strasser's poems appear recently in Poetry, Nimrod, 5 AM, The Se-
attle Review
, and The Underwood Review. Her chapbook Sand Island Successions: Poems of the Apostles was published by Parallel Press in 2002.
