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MODERN DRAMA: A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH IN 1960 AND 1961 IN GENERAL, the same arbitrary rules improvised for the first of these "annual" bibliographies (see MODERN DRAMA, September, 1960) have been followed again here. Journalism is again ranked below scholarly articles in total emphasis throughout; the ephemera of current productions, either as publicized or as reviewed , are almost entirely avoided here. Similarly, drama and dramatic theory have been favored at the expense of the theater and strictly theatrical concerns. One apology should be extended here: because of the press of other commitments , it was impossible to prepare a separate bibliography for materials published in 1960. This present two-year bibliography has been perhaps more "selective" than circumstances warrant in all cases, but no item of undoubted significance has been abandoned. Beginning again in 1963, the annual bibliography will be properly annual in its coverage of a single year. The following abbreviations have been used for those publications figuring most prominently in the entries: DS ETJ JEGP MD MLJ MLQ MLR PMLA QJS SHAV ShR TA TDR Drama Survey Educational Theatre Journal Journal of English and Germanic Philology Modem Drama Modem Language Journal Modern Language Quarterly Modem Language Review Publications of the Modem Language Association of America Quarterly Journal of Speech The Shavian Shaw Review Theatre Arts Tulane Drama Review GENERAL ADLER, HENRY, "To Hell with Society," TDR, IV, iv (1960), 53-76. ASPENSTROM, WERNER, "A Short Discourse on Short Plays" (translated by Leif Sjoberg and Randolph Goodman), TDR, VI, ii (1961), 90-91. BENTLEY, ERIC, "The Political Theatre Reconsidered," Kenyon Review, XXIII (1961 ), 75-90. BETIT, UGO, "Religion and the Theatre" (translated by G. Rizzo and William Meriwether), TDR, V, ii (1960),3-12. BLAu, HERBERT, "Meanwhile, Follow the Bright Angels," TDR, V, i (1960'), 89-101. ---,"The Popular, the Absurd, and the Entente Cordiale," TDR, V, iii (1961), 119-151. BLISTEIN, E. M., "The Object of Scorn: An Aspect of the Comic Antagonist," Western Humanities Review, XIV (1960),209-222. BLOCK, HASKELL M., AND lIE::RMAN SALINGER (editors), The Creative Vision, Modern European Writers on Their Art, New York: Grove Press, 1960. BOULTON, MARJORIE, The Anatomy of Drama, London: Routledge and K. Paul, 1960; New York: Hillary House, 1961. 223 224 MODERN DRAMA September BOWMAN, WALTER P., AND ROBERT HAMILTON BALL, Theatre Language: A Dictionary of Terms in English of the Drama and Stage from Medieval to Modern Times, New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1961. BRECHT, BERTOLT, "On the Experimental Theatre" (translated by C. R. Mueller), TDR, VI, i (1961),3-17. ---, "Theatre for Learning" (translated by Edith Anderson), TDR, VI, i (1961),18-25. BRUSTEIN, ROBERT, "The Memory of Heroism," TDR, IV, iii (1960), 3-9. RUDEL, OSCAR, "Contemporary Theater and Aesthetic Distance," PMLA, LXXVI (1961),277-29l. CANNINGS, BARBARA, "Towards a Definition of Farce as a Literary 'Genre,''' MLR, LVI (1961),558-560. CAPUTI, ANTONY, "The Shallows of Modern Serious Drama," MD, IV (1961), 111-116. CLANCY, JAMES H., "Beyond Despair: A New Drama of Ideas," ETJ, XIII (1961),157-166. CLURMAN, HAROLD, "Actors-The Image of Their Era," TDR, IV, iii (1960), 38-44. COLE, ToBY (editor), Playwrights on Playwriting: The Meaning and Making of Modern Drama from Ibsen to Ionesco, (with Introduction by John Gassner), New York: Hill and Wang, 1960. CORRIGAN, ROBERT W., "The Theatre in Search of a Fix," TDR, V, iv (1961), 21-35. DARLINGTON, W. A., Six Thousand and One Nights: 40 Years A Dramatic Critic, London: Clarke, Inwin, 1960. DENNES, WILLIAM R., Some Dilemmas of Naturalism, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1960. EARLE, WILLIAM, "Being Versus Tragedy," Chicago Review, XIV (1960,), 107-114. ELLIOTT, ROBERT C., The Power of Satire, Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1960. ELLIS, BROBURY PEARCE, "The True Originall Copies," TDR, V, i (1960), 113-116. ENGEL, S. MORRIS, The Problem of Tragedy, Fredericton, New Brunswick: Brunswick Press, 19'60. ESSLIN, MARTIN, "The Theatre of the Absurd," TDR, IV, iv (1960),3-15. ---, The Theatre of the Absurd, Garden City: Doubleday, 1961. FARRINGTON, CONOR A., "The Language of Drama," TDR, V, ii (1960), 65-72. FRY, CHRISTOPHER, "Comedy," TDR, IV, iii (1960), 77-79. FUNKE, LEWIS, AND JOHN E. BOOTH (editors), Actors Talk about...

