In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements Callfor Manuscripts.The North American Kant Society is soliciting manuscripts for its series "Studies in Philosophy." So far two volumes (included with membership) are available through the publisher: Ridgeview Publishing Company , Atascadero, CA. Two others--Alison Laywine's "Kant's Early Metaphysics and the Origin of Critical Philosophy" and Reinhard Brandt's "The Table 0fJudgment"--will be available shortly. Manuscripts are now being solicited for publication during the academic year 1995-96. In addition to hard copy, the desiderata of speed and low cost require that manuscripts be submitted on disk and carefully proofread. After review and revision, accepted submissions will be formatted by the Society and camera-ready copy prepared with laser printing for forwarding to the publisher. Reviewers are selected from the Society membership and the profession at large. The primary criteria are academic excellence and the specific interest of the Society, but works need not focus exclusively on Kant. Manuscripts are nominated for review by the Editorial Board: Richard Aquila, Lorne Falkenstein, Manfred Kuehn, Hoke Robinson, Guenter Zoeller. Submissions and proposals should be sent to Richard Aquila, Department of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-o48o. CallforPapers.An interdisciplinary conference, "Representation and Interpretation in the Twelfth Century," on twelfth-century art history, hermeneutics, law, literature, music, philosophy, rhetoric, etc., will be held at Canisius College , Buffalo, NY, on April 2o-~3, 1995. Papers, abstracts, or proposals are welcome on any aspect of twelfth-century European intellectual or cultural life. Request information from/send papers or proposals to: Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY 14~o8; Phone 716888 -~3~9; FAX 716-888-25~5; e-mail: [695] ...

