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The Jewish Quarterly Review, XCII, Nos. 3-4 (January-April, 2002) 653-665 COLLECTED ESSAYS Abramson, Glenda, ed. Modern Jewish Mythologies. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1999. Pp. ix + 197. Contents: Eli Yassif, Introduction: Modern Jewish Culture as a System of Myths; David Cesarani, Social Memory, History, and British Jewish Identity; Anita Shapira, Myth and Identity: The Case of Latrun, 1948; Milton Shain and Sally Frankental, "Community with a Conscience ": Myth or Reality?; Nurith Gertz, The Myth of Masculinity Reflected in Israeli Cinema; Dan Urian, "So Sarah Laughed to Herself "; Jonathan Webber, Lest We Forget! The Holocauast in Jewish Historical Consciousness and Modern Jewish Identities; Tudor Parfitt , Redemption from the Orient; Eli Yassif, From Ancient to Modern Jewish Mythologies; Sylvie Anne Goldberg, The Myth of Life's Supremacy Over Death: Was Judaism Always More Concerned with Life than with Death?; Matthew Olshan, Franz Kafka: The Unsinging Singer Index Arazi, Albert, Joseph Sadan, and David J. Wasserstein, eds. Israel Oriental Studies 19. Compilation and Creation in Adab and Luga: Studies in Memory of Naphtali Kinberg (1948-1997). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999. Pp. 499. Contents: Part I—Motifs in Adab and Fann Mohammed Arkoun, Peut-on parler de l'humanisme en contexte islamique ?; Rachel Milstein, The Evolution of a Visual Motif: The Temple and the Kacba; Claude Gilliot, De l'impossible censure du récit légendaire: Adab et tafsïr; deux voies pour édifier Yethos de Yhomo islamicus; Gabriel M. Rosenbaum, A Certain Laugh: Serious Humor and Creativity in theAdab of Ibn al-oawzî; Reuven Snir, Bob al-Mahabba (the Chapter on Love) in al-Risäla al-Quíayriyya: Rhetorical and Thematic Structure; Ulrich Marzolph, Adab in Transition : Creative Compilation in Nineteenth-Century Print Tradition; Joseph Sadan, Arabic Tom 'n Jerry Compositions: a Popular Composition on a War between Cats and Mice in a Maqäma on Negotiations and Concluding Peace between a Cat and a Mouse; Dominique et Marie-Thérese Urvoy, Un aspect particulier de relation entre adab 654TOE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW txfalsafa; Alber Arazi, L'adab, les critiques et les genres littéraires dans la culture arabe médiévale; David Wasserstein, A West-East Puzzle: On the History of the Proverb "Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden" Part II—Luga, Its Creativity and Uses Yishai Peled, Naphtali Kinberg, 1948-1997; Aryeh Levin, Sibawayhi 's Attitude to the Language of the Quran; Kees Versteegh, Loanwords from Arabic and the Merger of did; Muhammad Gabb ârîn, Af}bär al-nuhät bayna al-wäqic wa-l-tanaddur; Aharon Maman, Peshat and Derash in Medieval Hebrew Lexicons; cUmar Hamdân, Qirä*ät mufytalifa li-asl wähid: muhäwalät ahi al-ftizäl al-awä3il tatwf al-nass al-qur3äni li-caqä*idihim min Ijiläl qirä*ät mawdvfa; Richard C. Steiner, Philology as the Handmaiden of Philosophy in R. Saadia Gaon's Interpretation of Genesis 1:1; Nasir Basal, The Concept of Hal in the Kitâb al-MuStamil of Abu Farag Hârûn Part III—Cultural and Literary History Toufic Fahd, Adab: Poésie, Prose, Proverbs; Isaac Hasson, Ansah al-airâf d'al-Baläduri, est-il un livre de ta3rïh ou d'adabl; Camilla Adang, A Catalogue as a Research Tool: The Arabie MSS from the Yahuda Collection at the JNUL Babylon: Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Neue Kritik, 1999. Pp. 144. Contents: Micha Brumlik, Die Lotusjuden, oder: die Schechina in Dharamsala ?; Gabriela Shenhar, Multikulturalismus, Ethnizität und Transnationale Ästhetik: Indishe Immigranten in Israel; Lena Inowlocki, Jüdisch-palästinensische Dialoggruppen: Rashomon in Babylon; Shifra , Sagy, Shoshana Sternberg und Mueen Fahiraladin, Das Selbst in der Gesellschaft und die Gesellschaft im Selbst. Zwei Arten der Gruppenbegegnung von jüdischen und arabischen Studenten in Israel; Michal ?a? und Rabah Halabi, Eindrücke einer palästinensisch -jüdischen Exkursion nach Deutschland. Zwei Perspektiven; Burkhard Liebsch, Politische Differenzsensibilität und ethische Differenzvergessenheit; "Es ist leichter, Erdbeeren zu verändern als Nationen" Gespräch mit Avishai Margalit; Diana Pinto, Juden im multikulturellen Europa? Rezensionen Michael Brenner, Amerikanisches Judentum und Multikulturalismus ; Natan Sznaider, Die Instrumentalisierung der Instrumentalisierung ; Christian Geulen, Vor und nach der Ausnahme, Über das "Vergessen...

