In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CIVIL WAR ARTICLES: 1976 Compiled by Jane A. Benson I. General Altschuler, Glenn C. "Creating an American Identity." New York History, LVII, 501-507. Benson, Jane A. "A Bibliography of Civil War Articles: 1975" Civil War History, XXII, 254-279. Boney, Francis Nash. "The American South," Journal of Popular Culture, X, 290-297. Crocker, Ruth Hutchinson. "Ulrich Phillips: A Southern Historian Reconsidered." lMuisiana Studies, XV, 113-130. Hill, S. S., Jr. "Could the Civil War Have Been Prevented?" Christian Century, XCIII, 304-308. Eaton, Clement. "The Role of Honor in Southern Society." Southern Humanities Review, X, Bicentennial issue, 47-58. Etulain, Richard W. "The American Literary West and Its Interpreters : The Rise of a New Historiographv." Pacific Historical Review, XLV, 311-348. Flusche, Michael. "On the Color Line: Charles Waddell Chesnutt." North Carolina Historical Review, LIII, 1-24. ---------. "Thomas Nelson Page: The Quandary of a Literary Gentleman ." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, LXXXIV, 464-485. Goldstein, Leslie Friedman. "Violence as an Instrument for Social Change: The Views of Frederick Douglass (1817-1895)." Journal of Negro History, LXI, 61-72. Goodwin, Jack. "Current Bibliography in the History of Technology ." Technology and Culture, XVII, 286-364. Holman, C. Hugh. "The Southern Novelist and the Uses of the Past." Southern Humanities Review, X, Bicentennial issue, 1-12. Holt, Thomas. "On the Cross: The Role of Quantitative Methods in the Reconstruction of the Afro-American Experience." Journal of Negro History, LXI, 158-172. Mathis, Ray. "Mydiology and the Mind of the New South." Georgia Historical Quarterly, LX, 228-238. Myrick, Susan. "Review Essay of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind Letters." Georgia Historical Quarterly, LX, 372-378. 336 Putnam, Jackson K. "The Turner Thesis and the Westward Movement : A Reappraisal." Western Historical Quarterly, VII, 377404 . Rogers, Earl M. and Susan H. Rogers. "Books on Agricultural History Published in 1974." Agricultural History, L, 517-524. Scheiber, Harry N. "Poetry, Prosaism, and Analysis in American Agricultural Historv." Journal of Economic History, XXXVI, 919-927. Sievers, Michael A. "The Literature of the Little Big Hom: A Centennial Historiography." Arizona and the West, XVlII, 149176 . "Southern History in Periodicals, 1975: A Selected Bibliography." Journal of Southern History, XLII, 223-257. Swanson, Dorothy. "Annual Bibliography on American Labor History, 1975." Uibor History, XVII, 586-605. Toll, William. "The Genie of 'Race': Problems in Conceptualizing the Treatment of Black Americans." Journal of Ethnic Studies, IV, 1-20. Waijcer, Henry P., Ed. "Pre-Railroad Transportation in the TransMississippi West: An Annotated Bibliography." Arizona and the West, XVIII, 53-80. II. Slavery Anderson, James D. "Aunt Jemima in Dialectics: Genovese on Slave Culture." Journal of Negro History, LXI, 99-114. Bell, Rudolph M. "Slavery as an Investment: Dollars and Humans." Historical Methods Newleiter, X, 1-9. Clarke, John Henrik. "African Cultural Continuity and Slave Revolts in the New World." Part II. Bhck Schohr, VIII, ii, 2-9. Crowe, Charles. "Slavery, Ideology and 'Cliometrics'." Technology and Culture, XVII, 271-285. ---------. "Time on the Cross: The Historical Monograph as a Pop Event." History Teacher, IX, 588-630. Curtin, Philip D. "Black Slavery in Perspective?" Reviews in American History, IV, 43-46. Eder, Donald Gray. "Time Under the Soudiern Cross: The Tannenbaum Thesis Reappraised." Agricultural History, L, 600-614. Edmondson, Locksley. "Trans-Atlantic Slavery and die Internationalization of Race." Caribbean Quarterly, XXII, 5-25. Engerman, Stanley L. "Some Economic and Demographic Comparisons of Slavery in die United States and the British West Indies." Economic History Review, XXIX, 258-275. Gershman, Sally. "Alexis de Tocqueville and Slavery." French Historical Studies, IX, 467-483. Gifford, James M. "Black Hope and Despair in Antebellum 337 338civil war history Georgia: The William Moss Correspondence." Prologue, VIM, 152-162. Granade, Ray. "Slave Unrest in Florida." Florida Historical Quarterly, LV, 18-36. Greenberg, Kenneth S. "Revolutionary Ideology and the Proslavery Argument: The Abolition of Slavery in Antebellum South Carolina ." Journal of Southern History, XLII, 365-384. Karcher, Carolyn L. "Melville and Racial Prejudice: A Re-Evaluation ." Southern Review, XII, 287-310. Lewis, Ronald L. "The American Dream and the Rationalization of Slavery." The Crisis, LXXXIII, 253-254. Lowe, Richard G., and Randolph B. Campbell. "The SlaveBreeding Hypothesis: A Demographic Comment on the 'Buying' and 'Selling' States...

