In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Table of Contents:Volume 83

Pagination according to issues:

  • No. 1 (Spring): 1-244

  • No. 2 (Summer): 245-430

  • No. 3 (Fall): 431-646

  • No. 4 (Winter): 647-818

Abel, Emily K. Suffering in the Land of Sunshine: A Los Angeles Illness Narrative: 423-24
Aborigines: smallpox and vaccination in Australia (BENNETT): 37-62
Adams, Jane, and Hilary Marland, "Hydropathy at Home: The Water Cure and Domestic Healing in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Britain": 499-529
Advice manuals: domestic healing in mid-19th c. Britain (MARLAND & ADAMS): 499-529
Agostoni, Claudia. Curar, sanar y educar: Enfermedad y Sociedad en México, Siglos XIX y XX: 619-20
Allen, Michelle. Cleansing the City: Sanitary Geographies in Victorian London: 405-6
Alternative medicine: hydropathy in mid-19th c. Britain (MARLAND & ADAMS): 499-529
American Medical Association: pharmaceutical promotion and postgraduate medical education (GREENE & PODOLSKY): 331-77
Amsterdamska, Olga, review by: 795-96
Anatomy: narrative and identity in antebellum America (SAPPOL): 460-98
Andrews, Jonathan, review by: 791-93
Antebellum South: fits, slavery, and power (BOSTER): 271-301
Arm-to-arm method: vaccination in Japan, 1850-1900 (JANNETTA): 125-40
Arnold, David, review by: 793-94
Aronowitz, Robert A. Unnatural History: Breast Cancer and American Society: 205-6
Arrizabalaga, Jon, review by: 778-79
Aumüller, Gerhard, Kornelia Grundmann, and Christina Vanja, eds. Der Dienst Am Kranken: Krankenversorgung zwischen Caritas, Medizin und Okonomie vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit: 600-601
Australia: smallpox and vaccination in (BENNETT): 37-62
Avalos, Hector, Sarah J. Melcher, and Jeremy Schipper, eds. This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies: 191-92
Baer, Jonathan R., review by: 407-8
Bala, Poonam, ed. Biomedicine as a Contested Site: Some Revelations in Imperial Contexts: 793-94
Balmis-Salvany expedition: Spanish smallpox vaccine expedition (MARK & RIGAU-PÉREZ): 63-94
Bashford, Alison, review by: 790-91
Bastos, Cristiana, "Borrowing, Adapting, and Learning the Practices of Smallpox: Notes from Colonial Goa": 141-63
Battini, Laura, and Pierre Villard, eds. Médecine et médecins au Proche-Orient ancien: 192-93
Beer, Daniel. Renovating Russia: The Human Sciences and the Fate of Liberal Modernity, 1880-1930: 800-802 [End Page 819]
Beier, Lucinda McCray. For Their Own Good: The Transformation of English Working-Class Health Culture, 1880-1970: 802-3; Health Culture in the Heartland, 1880-1980: An Oral History: 804-5
Bennett, Michael J., "Smallpox and Cowpox under the Southern Cross: The Smallpox Epidemic of 1789 and the Advent of Vaccination in Colonial Australia": 37-62
Berridge, Virginia, review by: 632-33
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, and Niels Brimnes, "Introduction: Simultaneously Global and Local: Reassessing Smallpox Vaccination and Its Spread, 1789-1900": 1-16
Bivins, Roberta. Alternative Medicine? A History: 609-11
Bodysnatching: and medical narrative in antebellum America (SAPPOL): 460-98
Bonah, Christian. L'expérimentation humaine: Discours et pratiques en France 1900-1940: 625-27
Booker, John. Maritime Quarantine: The British Experience, c. 1650-1900: 399-401
Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel. Making Minds and Madness: From Hysteria to Depression: 815-16
Borowy, Iris, review by: 617-19
Boster, Dea H., "An 'Epeleptick' Bondswoman: Fits, Slavery, and Power in the Antebellum South": 271-301
Boulis, Ann K., and Jerry A. Jacobs. The Changing Face of Medicine: Women Doctors and the Evolution of Health Care in America: 813-14
Brieger, Gert H., review by: 215-16
Brimnes, Niels, and Sanjoy Bhattacharya, "Introduction: Simultaneously Global and Local: Reassessing Smallpox Vaccination and Its Spread, 1789-1900": 1-16
British colonialism: clothing and hygiene in tropical climates (JOHNSON): 530-60
Brockliss, Laurence, review by: 787-88
Bromley, Elizabeth, review by: 214-15
Burney, Ian. Poison, Detection, and the Victorian Imagination: 206-7
Burnout: and Dr. Owen J. Wister (PEITZMAN): 245-70
Burton, June K. Napolean and the Woman Question: Discourses of the Other Sex in French Education, Medicine, and Medical Law, 1799-1815: 613-14
Buscaglia, Marino, review by: 607-9
Caldwell, Bruce, review by: 421-23
Campbell, Nancy D. Discovering Addiction: The Science and Politics of Substance Abuse Research: 228-30
Carlino, Andrea, review by: 601-3
Carlino, Andrea, and Alexandre Wenger, eds. Littérature et médicine: Approches et perspectives (XVI-XIX siècle): 781-82
Caribbean: smallpox in the Danish West Indies, 1803-1848...

