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The New Statesman and Nation, NS 10 (21 Dec 1935) 977

Sir, – Mr. David Garnett (reviewing Mr. Osbert Burdett’s book) is in error in supposing that there is no tolerable American cheese. 1 There is a delicious cheese of Port Salut type made by Trappist monks in Ontario. 2 But Trappist monks, like their cheese, are the product of “a settled civilisation of long standing,” and I fear there is little demand for either. 3 Americans seem to prefer a negative cream cheese which they can eat with salad: and American salads are barbaric.

I wish Mr. Garnett would take the initiative in founding such a society as he suggests; 4 and I for one would be glad to buy a Double Cottenham, if he could put me in the way of it. 5

t. s. eliot Oxford and Cambridge University Club, Pall Mall, S.W.I.

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