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173 TOPIC 50 One and Oneself Earlier, in the topics on Personal Pronouns, PP, and Personal Pronoun Markers, PPM, we did not explain a form, which expresses the idea of one or oneself. These forms do exist in English, however they are formal and somewhat old-fashioned. In English, one, when used as a Personal Pronoun, PP, can refer to people in general, or as another form of ‘I’, when someone is referring to him or herself. For example in English we can say, one should never buy ice cream, if one is trying to lose weight, which although true, sounds like something our grandmothers would say! In this case, one is a reference to people in general. Another example is, one does not forget a face easily, in which case, one is another way of saying ‘I’, as well as a reference for people in general. In Ciyawo, the Personal Pronoun, PP, one is used in a similar way, and can be used for people in general and as another form of ‘I’. For example, in Ciyawo you can say, mu ndamilo jetu ugwe ukalya jikape, In our culture one does not eat alone, with ugwe being a reference for people in general. An example of ugwe as a reference to ‘I’ is, ugwe ukaliƌalila ngope citema, One does not easily forget a face. In Ciyawo, one is expressed by using the Personal Pronoun, PP, ugwe; and like other Personal Pronouns, PP, it has a Personal Pronoun Marker, PPM, ‘U’ as is shown in the following two tables. Personal Pronoun: PP Personal Pronoun Marker: PPM  &YBNQMFT VTJOH UIF 1FSTPOBM 1SPOPVO  11 6HXF BOE JUT $PSSFTQPOEJOH 1FSTPOBM 1SPOPVO.BSLFS 11. A6JOUIF1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVT5FOTF   ,VQJLBOBUPIFBS  6HXFV LVQJLBOB6HXFVLVQJLBOB0OFJTMJTUFOJOH   ,VUFOEBUPEP  6HXFV LVUFOEB6HXFVLVUFOEB0OFJTEPJOH  ,VHPOBUPTMFFQ  6HXFV LVHPOB6HXFVLVHPOB0OFJTTMFFQJOH 6HXF 0OF 6 0OF TOPIC 50: ONE AND ONESELF 174 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING CIYAWO  ,VDBQBUPXBTI  6HXFV LVDBQB6HXFVLVDBQB0OFJTXBTIJOH  ,VQVNVMBUPSFTU  6HXFV LVQVNVMB6HXFVLVQVNVMB0OFJTSFTUJOH  &YBNQMF4FOUFODFT  #PMBLVUJVHXFVƌFNLVMJUFMFDFMBXBTZFHXF  *UJTHPPEGPSPOFUPCFDPPLJOHGPSPOFTFMG  "LVOPVHXFVLVMJDBQJMBXBTZFHXF  )FSFPOFXBTIFTGPSPOFTFMG  6HXFVLBƌBNLXBXVMBLV.BOHPDIJDJMP  0OFTIPVMEOPUCFHPJOHUP.BOHPDIJBUOJHIU  #PMBLVUJVHXFVƌFNLVQVNVMBQBNCVMJMJ  *UJTCFTUGPSPOFUPCFSFTUJOHJOUIFTIBEF  .VOEBNJMPKFUVVHXFVLBMZBKJLBQF  *OPVSDVMUVSFPOFNVTUOPUFBUBMPOF  &YBNQMFT VTJOH UIF 1FSTPOBM 1SPOPVO  11 6HXF BOE JUT $PSSFTQPOEJOH 1FSTPOBM 1SPOPVO .BSLFS  11.  A6 JO UIF 1BTU  1SFTFOU 1FSGFDU  /FBS 'VUVSF  'BS 'VUVSF BOE *NQFSBUJWF5FOTFT  6HXFXBHPOJMF   0OFTMFQU QBTU  6HXFVHPOJMF   0OFIBTTMFQU QSFTFOUQFSGFDU  6HXFDJXVHPOF   0OFXJMMTMFFQ OFBSGVUVSF  6HXFDJXVDJHPOB6HXFVDJHPOB 0OFXJMMTMFFQ GBSGVUVSF  6HXFVHPOF   0OFNVTUTMFFQ JNQFSBUJWF Note that the far future tense marker is removed when used in conjunction with the Personal Pronoun Marker, PPM, ‘U’. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 19:07 GMT) 175 ...
