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85 NM + ni + PPM/CM + Substem = Nga + ni + n + pikane = Nganimbikane = I have not yet heard TOPIC 24 Not Yet Present Tense In English we don’t, strictly speaking, have an equivalent of the not yet present tense. In English we use the words ‘not-yet’ to make this tense; highly original, aren’t we! When we say that an action has not yet occurred, we mean that it is not yet in process or that it has not yet started. For example, I can say, I have not yet gone to Mangochi, meaning that I haven’t left yet. Further more, I have not yet had dinner means that I haven’t eaten. The process has not begun. This tense, in Ciyawo, contains the idea that the action has not yet begun, but also that the action will definitely occur. For example, the Ciyawo phrase, nganalombele, He has not yet married, carries within it the meaning that marriage has not occurred, but there is also the expectation that marriage will occur in the future. The not yet present tense is formed with a substem. Looking at the formula we begin with a Negative Marker, NM, indicated by the prefix nga-. Following this comes the affix, -ni-, which gives the tense its sense of past-ness. This is followed by, either a Personal Pronoun Marker, PPM, or Class Marker, CM, which is joined to a substem, which gives the conjugation its sense of not-yet-ness. Not Yet Present Tense The following examples conjugate the verbs kutenda = to do and kugona = to sleep, with all the Personal Pronoun Markers, PPM, and three examples using different Class Markers, CM, from three different noun classes. TOPIC 24: NOT YET PRESENT TENSE Remember that sound changes take place when a ‘N’ and a ‘P’ collide. (N + P = MB) 86 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING CIYAWO Kutenda = to do Kugona = to sleep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
