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38 SOUP KINGDOM Here in bitter leaf soup kingdom Our people’s will has been benumbed Stinger king Bee spreads his tentacles Which reach and rid our receptacles Of the sweetness of bitter leaf soup A fit not to us any new scoop Bitter King Beer on his drunken throne Crushes and kills all hopes of the drone Staying away from the bitterness Of king’s stiffness here in readiness To sap the bones of all marrows King can’t kill our dream of the morrows The pink of our prawn will kiss the rose That will satisfaction really dose Against the greedy sweet soup container Emptier happy we own no coffer His favourite kill our satisfaction Kills with a kiss the rosy nation Cameroon prawn pink bitter leaf soup For which all in this nation stoop Save us who’ve tasted the bitterness The king crafted out of greediness And shoved down our throats delightfully And we now on scripts throw up wholly. ...
