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168 Rebecca L. Oxford and Chien-Yu Lin applications require learners to be autonomous, self-regulated or even completelyindependent.Non-strategiclearners—thosewhodonothave sufficient knowledge of and adequate practice with language learning strategies—are likely to be unable to handle such responsibilities. Non-strategic learners sometimes experience themselves as ‘pawns,’ overwhelmed by digital power rather than able to take charge of that power. For this reason, learning strategy instruction should be integrated into the curriculum of technology-supported language learning. The nine challenges and learners’ strategic responses can provide a basic orientation to the types of strategies learners need for effective digital language learning. References Afflerbach, P. and B.-Y. Cho. 2008. Identifying and describing constructively responsive comprehension strategies in new and traditional forms of reading. In Handbook of reading comprehension research, eds. S. Israel and G. Duffy. 69–90. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Alexander, P. A., J. M. Kulikowich and T. L. Jetton. 1994. The role of subjectmatter knowledge and interest in the processing of linear and nonlinear texts. Review of Educational Research, 64: 201–52. Azevedo, R. and J. G. Cromley. 2004. Does training on self-regulated learning facilitate students’ learning with hypermedia? Journal of Educational Psychology, 96: 523–35. Brammerts, H. 1996. Language learning in tandem using the Internet. In Telecollaboration in foreign language learning. Proceedings of the Hawaii Symposium, ed. M. Warschauer. 121–30. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Carlson, S. 2005. The net generation goes to college. Chronicle of Higher Education, 7 October. Carrell, P. L. 1983. Some issues in studying the role of schemata, or background knowledge, in second language comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 1: 81–92. Center for the Advanced Study of Language. 2008. Using iPods for foreign language learning. College Park: University of Maryland. Centre for Independent Language Learning. 2009. Learning strategies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Retrieved on 13 November 2010, from Chung, Y., B. Graves, M. Wesche and M. Barfurth. 2005. Computer-mediated communication in Korean-English chat rooms: Tandem learning in an international languages program. Canadian Modern Language Review, 62: 49–86. Cohen, A. D. and E. Macaro. 2007. Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Autonomous learners in digital realms 169 Darhower, M. 2002. Interactional features of synchronous computer-mediated communication in the intermediate L2 class: A sociocultural case study. CALICO Journal, 9: 249–77. Dede, C. 2005. Planning for neomillennial learning styles. Educause Quarterly, 28: 7–12. Freynick, S. and K. Nielson. 2009. Using self-study materials in the workplace: An analysis of the US Coast Guard’s trial of Auralog TELL ME MORE. College Park: Center for the Advanced Study of Language, University of Maryland. Gardner, R. C. 1988. The socio-educational model of second language learning: Assumptions, findings, and issues. Language Learning, 38: 101–26. Greene, J. A. and R. Azevedo. 2009. A macro-level analysis of SRL processes and their relations to the acquisition of a sophisticated mental model of a complex system. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34: 18–29. Griffiths, C. 2008. Lessons from good language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hamilton, J. 2008. Think your’re multitasking? Think again. National Public Radio. Retrieved on 12 November 2010, from templates/story/story.php?storyId=95256794#commentBlock. Horwitz, E. and D. J. Young. 1991. Language anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Instone, K., B. Teasley and L. Leventhal. 1996. Lessons learned from redesigning hypertext user interfaces. In Cognitive aspects of electronic text processing, eds. H. van Oostendorp and S. de Mul. 265–86. Norwood: Ablex. Jones, C. 1999. Contextualise and personalise: Key strategies for vocabulary acquisition. ReCALL, 1(3): 34–40. Kotter, M. 2003. Negotiation of meaning and code switching in online tandems. Language Learning and Technology, 7: 145–72. Lafford, B. A. 2004. Review of TELL ME MORE Spanish. Language Learning and Technology, 8(3): 21–34. Retrieved on 30 September 2010, from http://llt. Lave, J. and E. Wenger. 1991. Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lewis, M. 1999. How to study a foreign language. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. MacIntyre, P. D. 2002. Motivation, anxiety, and emotion in second language acquisition. In Individual differences and instructed language learning, ed. P. Robinson. 45–68. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Mandler, G. 2001. Remembering. In Oxford guide to the mind, ed. G. Underwood. 30–2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Meskill, C...
