In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments 1 am happy to acknowledge the considerable assistance from the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR) towards the research on which this book is based. This included the award of research fel10wships in 2005 and 2007 and publication of four Working Papers which are cited extensively in the chapters that fo11ow. Dr Hans Genberg, who as Executive Director (Research Department, Hong Kong Monetary Authority) is responsible for the HKIMR, has given me unflagging personal support and encouragement during the last three years, which 1 deeply appreciate. 1 am also most grateful to Dr Matthew S. Yiu, the HKIMR's Senior Manager, and his team who have been untiringly helpful during my visits. The Centre of Asian Studies at the University ofHong Kong provided me with generous use of its facilities in the course of drafting this book during 2006. 1 am especial1y indebted to Professor Wong Siu-lun, SBS,JP, for all his help over many years and for the warm support which 1 received from so many of his Centre's staff dl的時 this research project. It is a pleasure to record my thanks to the Government Records Service and, in particular, Mr Bernard Hui Sung-tak and his col1eagues in the Public Records Office, who made every effort to facilitate my access to the unpublished government documents on which the success of my research depended so heavily. 1 am indebted to the School ofBusiness Studies, Trinity Col1ege, University of Dublin, and in particular to Professor John Murray, for their interest and kindness, as well as for their facilities, throughout my stay in Ireland. None of the institutions or individuals referred to in these Acknowledgments has any responsibility for any part of the contents of this book or the views which it expresses. ...
