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(1U 州 y d -hM h υ r 月 U 仰 u u nu --nu nD Books and Articles in Westem Languages Amiot 丸, Jean J 抖 ose 叩 ph mode 叮 rne 褪 esν,\. (written in 1776) Mé 你 moω irε 臼 s cω01 叮 1κcer 付 mη Ja1 η1t 叫 I'Hi 誌 5ωi 的 T 陀 e,的 Sciences, les A巾, leS Moeurs et les Usages, des Chi仰的, par les Missionnaires de Pékin, Pa巾, 1776-1814, 6, 1 (1780) . Amiot, Jean Joseph-Marie. ‘Essay on the Sonorous Stone of China', in ‘Mémoire sur la Musique des Chinis tant anciens que modernes'. Mémoires concemant I'Histoi悶, leS Sciences, les A筒,的 Moeurs et les Usages, d臼 Chinois, par les Missionnaires de Pékin, Pa巾, 1776-1814, 6, 1 (1 780). Aristotle, Metaphysics 1, 1. Aristotle, Physics, 239b, 5-33. The translation is from J. Bumet in the Early Creek Philosophy (Black, London, 1908). Bartholomew, Wilmer T. Acoωtics ofMusic (Prentice Hall, New York, 1952). Bernard-Maître, H. L'Apport Scient~后ψe du Père Matthieu Ricci à la Chine (1935); tr. Matteo Ricci's Scientific Contribution 的 China (Vetch, Peiping, 1935) by E.T.C. Werner. Bezold, C. 'Sze-ma Ts'ien und die babylonische Astrollogie'. Osω5的tische Zeilschrift 8, 42-49, (1919). Biot, J.B. Etudes sur l'astronomie Ind泛nne et sur l'astronomie Chinoise. Paris: L是vy, (1862). Boethius, De Institutione Musica, (see Friedlein, 1867). Boyer, C.B. ‘Aristotle's Physics' Scientific American 182 (no. 5) 48 (1950). Bronows妞, Jacob. The Ascent ofMan (Little, Brown, and Co., Boston, 1973). Bumet, J. Early Greek Philosophy (Black, London, 1908). Chatley, Herbert. ‘Heavenly Cover, a Study in Acient Chinese Astronomy' Observatoη 61 , 10 (1938). Chavannes, E. 1μd 泛 εsMé行 m 仰 lω oires 陀附 ε 臼 sH 印 isto ωO叫1 峭 4 紀的 e 臼 s de ε Se Cαh丘白臼 nCαh 怯 1 吋 e 缸 n 呵 1 溶 g-Yï 血 h 程貞一 , His的η of Mathematics in Chinese Civilization. Lecture Notes for Chinese Studies 170, University of California, San Diego, (1980). 一一-Scientific Thought and Intellectual Foundation. Lecture Notes for Chinese Studies 170A, University of California, San Diego, (1981). 一一一一‘Early Chinese Work on the Progression of Harmonic intervals in Tonal System. ‘Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on the History of Chinese Science, Beijïng, August 20-24, 1984. (to be published in the English portion of the Conference Proceeding, edited by Kë Jùn [Ko Tsun] 柯俊) 一一一-'The Impact of Archaeology on the Chinese History of Science and Technology', a Public Lecture delivered at the Xi益 Nài 夏肅 Commemorative Symposium of the 4th International Conference of the History of Science in China held at the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia May 16-21, 1986 (to be 250 Early Chinese Work in Nαtural Science 一一-'A Comparative Study of Early Chinese and Greek Works on the Concept of Limit', in Science and Technology in Chinese Civilization (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), ed. by Chëng-Yïh Chén, pp. 3-52. 一一一-'The Generation of Chromatic Scales in the Chinese Bronze S哎-Bells of the -5th Century', in Science and Technology in Chinese Civilizatíon (World Scientific, Singaspore, 1987), ed. by Chëng-Yïh Chén, pp. 155-197. 一一一一(ed.) Science and Techrωlogy ín Chínese Cívílízation (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987) 一一一‘Bronze Dual-Tone S仗-Bells and the Chromatic Scales.' Paper presented at the ‘Fifth International Conference on the History of Science in China', held at the University of California, San Diego, August 5 一 10, 1988. 一一一-'The Yì }íng and Qín Ji品-Sh品。秦九韶, A Case Study.' Paper presented at the ‘Fifth International Conference on the History of Science in China', held at the University of California, San Diego, August 5 一 10, 1988 (to be published in History of Science and Technology in China, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) ed. by Chëng-Yïh Chén. 一一一一‘Binary and Cyclic Symmetries in Early Chinese Interpretation of Nature,' in Structure and Symmetry (Készült a Malév Kiadóban, Budapest, 1989), ed. by Gy. Darvas and D. Nagy, pp. 68-7 1. 一一一-'The Significances of Marquis yr Bronze S仗-Bells in the History of Acoustics.' Paper presented at the ‘International Culture and Science Exchange Symposium: Marquis yr S哎-Bells' held at Wlíhàn 武漢, China, November 3-8, 1988; in T帥-Tone Set-Bells of Marquis Y!, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) ed. by Chëng-Yïh Chén. Chen, Shih-Chuan 程石泉,‘How to Form a Hexagram and Consult the 1 Ching,' }oumal 。,f the American Or的ttal Society 92, 237 (1 972). Coulpet, Henricus. Confudius Sinarum philosop...
