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120 Cantonese Love Songs Ah! We must come to an understanding. I have suffered many frustrations; perhaps with you my melancholy will be lessened; My heart is dying for love of you. Those who are waiting to ravish flowers are standing outside the door. Butterflies! If you want to ravish me, it will not be too late when my bloom is full blown. Song 46 I Am Waiting for You What have you decided? Why are you still doubting? If you cannot redeem me, you should have told me earlier. I know waiting for you, my lord, has made me fall into this region of mist and flowers [i.e. this house of entertainment]; So even if I wanted to follow a man to the bank of safety [i.e. be redeemed from this way of life], what chance have I got now? All I wanted was to talk to you about our joys and sorrows; talk about things past; How was I to know that you would be disappointed and would give up all thought of returning home? Someone has incited you to vent your anger on me. You say my nature is like water, and that like a willow blossom I drift along with the waves. Now that my words are truly sincere, you still pay me little attention. Only heaven knows the thousand strands of my sad thoughts; Moreover, everyone far and near knows I am waiting for you. Today abruptly you withdrew your hand from mine, leaving me without any support. The feelings of love I had for you in earlier days were wasted. I now put myself in yo~u hands. You decide what to do. Can you truthfully say you are deeply grieved? Even in death you could never deceive yourself. Until I see you face to face and tell you the story of my broken heart, I will never close my eyes in death. 120 Cantonese Love Songs Ah! We must come to an understanding. I have suffered many frustrations; perhaps with you my melancholy will be lessened; My heart is dying for love of you. Those who are waiting to ravish flowers are standing outside the door. Butterflies! If you want to ravish me, it will not be too late when my bloom is full blown. Song 46 I Am Waiting for You What have you decided? Why are you still doubting? If you cannot redeem me, you should have told me earlier. I know waiting for you, my lord, has made me fall into this region of mist and flowers [i.e. this house of entertainment]; So even if I wanted to follow a man to the bank of safety [i.e. be redeemed from this way of life], what chance have I got now? All I wanted was to talk to you about our joys and sorrows; talk about things past; How was I to know that you would be disappointed and would give up all thought of returning home? Someone has incited you to vent your anger on me. You say my nature is like water, and that like a willow blossom I drift along with the waves. Now that my words are truly sincere, you still pay me little attention. Only heaven knows the thousand strands of my sad thoughts; Moreover, everyone far and near knows I am waiting for you. Today abruptly you withdrew your hand from mine, leaving me without any support. The feelings of love I had for you in earlier days were wasted. I now put myself in yo~u hands. You decide what to do. Can you truthfully say you are deeply grieved? Even in death you could never deceive yourself. Until I see you face to face and tell you the story of my broken heart, I will never close my eyes in death. The Songs 121 My lord, if you intend to pity [i.e. have tender affection for] me, it were better for you to begin immediately. If I see you face to face and speak of my heart's bitterness, even death will not worry me. Do not put more obstacles in your way. If our meeting is a minute earlier, my lord, then our parting too will be a minute earlier. Song 47 A Lament for 'Autumn Joyl125 I hear people say you are dead. I cannot believe it. Why did you so foolishly spurn life? If you died for your'guest', I do not blame you; If...
