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For a lone writer such as I, it was a journey of discovery Ambassador Kesavapany, a gentleman of simplicity Simply “Pany”, is what he likes to be called; it’s chummy Confident and decisive; and brevity is his affinity In discreet — a shadow of affability, kindness and generosity. A word here, a hint there, you have cushioned my stall Ever pushing gently to prod me onwards I recall “Never lose hope”, “Never give up” you seem to say Thank you Pany for the trust; giving me reason not to sway. Triena Noeline Ong, what a pretty unusual name, Prestigious, Managing Editor, Head of Publishing, The pride of ISEAS and her gender, multitasking her fame, Prodigious juggling’s her game; behind the brain Passed through her dainty hands, books in a train The biography on Zubir Said, yet another Painstakingly, her patient careful eyes endeavour Noting details, only the experienced eyes discover Spotting pitfalls, large and small; making sense of prose Triena takes it all in her stride, gently and composed Your name in gold I’ll carve, thanking you my beautiful rose. When despair sets in When I knew not where to begin Making sense of notes galore, pictures thrown in I cry for help I fear no one could hear But kind Noor Azlina Yunus, she did heed You are nur lighting my dark path showing the way “Even pages on the left, odd pages facing” In neat piles you rearranged my jumbled pages Into an array of delightful passages A master of brevity, you are. This I’m not My Gratitude A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step Nay, a first step that none could conjecture as yet Until that one pleasantly fateful day, a visit, sans prepare Out of care for Puan Sri Samala And Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam the gracious pair A long-forgotten yarn to bare and notes to compare Over hot tea and samosa a welcome traditional fare. I chanced upon a notion to mention in despair, A tunnel long and dim of intent to print I would not dare. Three and twenty years lapsed, Zubir Said’s legacies in a heap I keep. Magnanimity thy name, Tan Sri Ramon, technology your game Double quick to Ambassador K. Kesavapany of ISEAS Your mouse beeped, opened floodgates with simply a click With the current, I drifted down the sudden flow Embarking on a writing adventure I hardly know. No greater words nor deeds can my gratitude say and show. Our gratitude surpasses words for thee Your Excellency, Mr Sellapan Ramanathan, President of Singapore previously A persona so honourable; exuding calm authority and dignity; Mr Nathan, fondly known to all Singapore community, Who love and treasure thee, from walks of life out there In greatness and affluence, still in commonness adjure So generous in act and tribute to Zubir, the father I adore We would thank you from the bottom of our hearts but For thee our hearts have no bottom, it’s fathomless we assure; Zubir Said and family; forever will they cherish and share Your kind sentiments, in a Foreword so blessed and rare. “ One can repay a loan of gold but never of a good deed – for it, one dies, forever in debt” A Malay Proverb “ I can no other answer make, but thanks, and thanks” William Shakespeare Acknowledgements xv rb111313_iseas_zubir_layout_prelims_v5a.indd 15 17/9/12 2:21 PM Always long-winded twisted in a knot Deftly unravelling it with a swish of your pen Indeed as an editor you are ten upon ten Thank you Azlina. I have an English daughter-in-law, Laura her name In Latin, a laurel plant, a symbol of kingly honour, but Laura Pediatrics Radiology is her crowning glory In sufferance I made her read my maiden draft With discerning eyes, the doctor pored on errors replete Not missing symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis complete With long patience, and TLC, prescribing cure With her gentle help I healed, feeling cured and doubly sure To recuperate and write some more. Thank you my Laura ever more. Dr Ooi Kee Beng, born, bred and schooled in Malaysia Traversed farther in search of knowledge and adventure Acquired a PhD in Sinology, from Stockholm University, Far away in Sweden a lecturer on Chinese philosopy A literate so accomplished, prolific author of books aplenty Handpicked “to hold my hand” The kindly man with the nimble mind Malaysian Politics — Kee Beng’s specialty one of a kind The Reluctant Politician...
