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SElECT BiBliOGRApHY (for titles cited in abbreviation, see above, pp. iX–Xii) EDiTiONS and TRANSlATiONS ANONYMUS E D i T i O N S “Anonimi Belae regis notarii historia Hungarica de septem ducibus Hungariae.” Edited by Joannes Georgius Schwandtner. in Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum veteres ac genuini. Vienna: Kraus, 1746, vol. 1, pp. 1–38. 2nd ed.: Nagyszombat /Trnava: Coll. Acad. SJ, 1765, vol. 1, pp. 1–60. 3rd ed.: Vienna: Trattner, 1766, pp. 1–46. P. Magister quondam Bele regis Hungarie notarii, Gesta Hungarorum . Edited by ladislaus Juhász. Budapest: Királyi Egyetemi Nyomda, 1932. Die “Gesta Hungarorum” des anonymen Notars. Die älteste Darstellung der ungarischen Geschichte. Edited by Gabriel Silagi. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1991. “p. magistri qui Anonymus dicitur Gesta Hungarorum.” Edited by Aemilius Jakubovich† and Desiderius pais. in Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis Arpadianae gestarum, ed. imre Szentpétery, vol. i, pp. 33–117. Budapest: Academia litter. Hungarica et al., 1937. Reprint, ibid.: Nap Kiadó, 1999. fA C S i M i l E Anonymus Gesta Hungarorum. Edited by Dezső pais and György Györffy. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1975. [229] Anonymus.indb 229 2010.06.14. 9:39 SElECT BiBliOGRApHY 230 M O D E R N T R A N S l AT i O N S Magyar Anonymus. Béla király jegyzőjének könyve a magyarok cselekedeteitről. Translated by Dezső pais. Budapest: Magyar irodalmi Társaság, 1926. Faptele Ungurilor. De gestis Hungarorum liber. De Secretarul anonim al Regelui Bela. Edited and translated by Gheroghe popa-lisseanu. in Izvoarele istoriei românilor, ed. G. popalisseanu , vol. i, pp. 74–117. Bucharest: Bucovina, 1934. Reprint , ibid.: Mentor, 2001. Legendy a kroniky Koruny Uherské. Translated by Richard pražák, pp. 169–260. prague: Vyšehrad, 1988. Die „Gesta Hungarorum” des anonymen Notars. Die älteste Darstellung der ungarischen Geschichte. Edited and translated by Gabriel Silagi. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1991. Cronica Notarului Anonymus, Faptele Ungurilor. Translated by paul lazăr Tonciulescu. Bucharest: Miracol, 1996. “Anonymus, A magyarok cselekedetei.” Translated by lászló Veszpr émy. in Anonymus, A magyarok cselekedetei. Kézai Simon, A magyarok cselekedetei, pp. 7–86. Milleniumi Magyar tört énelem, források. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. Kronika anonymného notára krála Bela. Gesta Hungarorum. Edited by Vincent Múcska. Bratislava: Rak, 2000. Anonimowego notariusza króla Béli Gesta Hungarorum. Translated by Aleksandra Kulbicka, Krzysztof pawłowski, and Grażyna wodzinowska-Taklińska. Edited by Ryszard Grzesik. Cracow : Societas Vistulana, 2006. Rady, Martyn. “The Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymous, the Anonymous Notary of King Béla: A Translation.” The Slavonic and East European Review 87 (2009), Nr. 4, pp. 681– 727. Anonymus.indb 230 2010.06.14. 9:39 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 16:00 GMT) SElECT BiBliOGRApHY 231 ROGERiUS E D i T i O N S Thuróczy, Johannes. Chronica Hungarorum. Brno: Stehal & preinlein , 1488; Augsburg: Ratdolt & feger, 1488, pp. 154–69. Schwandtner, Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum (as above), pp. 292– 321. Endlicher, Stephanus ladislaus, ed. Rerum Hungaricarum Monumenta Arpadiana, pp. 255–96. St Gallen: Scheitlin & Zollikofer , 1849. Juhász, ladislaus [lászló], ed. “Rogerii Carmen miserabile.” in Scriptores rerum Hungaricarum tempore ducum regumque stirpis Arpadianae gestarum (as above), vol. 2, pp. 543–88. Helmut Stefan Milletich, ed. & trans. Carmen miserabile &c. Burgenl ändische Bibliothek. Eisenstadt: Roetzer, 1979. T R A N S l AT i O N S Horváth, János. in A tatárjárás emlékezete [Memory of the Mongol attack], ed. Tamás Katona, pp. 111–52. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1981. Milletich, as above. Göckenjan, Hansgerd. in Der Mongolensturm. Berichte von Augenzeugen und Zeitgenossen 1235–1250, ed. Hansgerd Göckenjan and James Ross Sweeny, pp. 127–224. Ungarns Geschichtsschreiber 3. Graz: Styria, 1985. Anonymus.indb 231 2010.06.14. 9:39 SElECT BiBliOGRApHY 232 liTERATURE R E f E R E N C E wO R K S Engel, pál. The Realm of St Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary , 895–1526. Translated by Tamás pálosfalvi. Edited by Andrew Ayton. london: i. B. Tauris, 2001. Györffy, György. Geographia historica Hungariae tempore stirpis Arpadinae. Az Árpád-kori Magyarország történeti földrajza. 4 vols. Budapest: Akadémiai, 1963–98. Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. Edited by wolfgang Stammler, Adalbert Erler and Ekkehart Kaufmann. Berlin: E. Schmidt, 1964. 2nd revised edition edited by Albrecht Cordes, Heiner lück, Dieter werkmüller, and Ruth Schmidt-wiegand. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2007. Kiss, lajos. Földrajzi nevek etimológiai...
