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about the authors arnd BAuErkäMpEr is professor of modern european history at the Freie Universität Berlin. he studied history and english at the universities of Bielefeld, oxford and göttingen. selected publications: Die “radikale Rechte” in Großbritannien . Nationalistische und faschistische Bewegung vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis 1945. göttingen: vandenhoeck & ruprecht verlag, 1991; Ländliche Gesellschaft in der kommunistischen Diktatur. Zwangsmodernisierung und Tradition in Brandenburg 1945–1963. Cologne: Böhlau verlag, 2002; Die Sozialgeschichte der DDR. munich: oldenbourg Wissensch verlag, 2005; Der Faschismus in Europa 1918–1945. stuttgart : reclam verlag, 2006; Das umstrittene Gedächtnis. paderborn: schöningh, 2012. Co-editor of: Demokratiewunder. Transatlantische Mittler und die kulturelle Öffnung Westdeutschlands 1945–1970. göttingen: vandenhoeck & ruprecht verlag, 2005 (together with Konrad h. Jarausch and marcus payk); Zwischen Fürsorge und Seelsorge. Christliche Kirchen in den europäischen Zivilgesellschaften seit dem 18. Jahrhundert . frankfurt am main: Campus verlag, 2009 (together with Jürgen nautz); Durchhalten! Krieg und Gesellschaft im Vergleich 1914–1918. göttingen: vandenhoeck & ruprecht verlag, 2010 (together with elise Julien). melissa K. BOkOvOy is associate professor of history, university of new mexico. author of Peasants and Communists: Politics and Ideology in the Yugoslav Countryside, 1941–1953. pittsburgh: university of pittsburgh press, 1998. Coeditor of: Sharing the Stage: Biography and Gender in Western Civilization, 2 vols. Boston: houghton mifflin, 2003 (with Jane slaughter); State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945–1992. new York: st. martin’s press, 1997 (with Jill irvine and Carol lilly). Dorin DOBrINCu is research fellow, “a. D. Xenopol institute of history,” iaşi, and associate professor, Department of history, alexandru i. Cuza university , iaşi. areas of specialization: history of romania, particularly the second 536 About the Authors World War, the holocaust, the communist period, the memory of fascism and communism; church-state relations, religious nationalism, the communist repression of the Church, and the history of romanian protestant communities. editor of: Listele morţii. Deţinuţi politici decedaţi în sistemul carceral din România potrivit documentelor Securităţii, 1945–1958 [Death lists. political prisoners deceased in the prison system of romania according to securitate documents, 1945–1958]. iaşi: polirom, 2008; Proba Infernului. Personalul de cult în sistemul carceral din România potrivit documentelor Securităţii, 1959–1962 [The test of inferno. Clerics in the prison system in romania according to securitate documents]. Bucharest: scriptorium , 2004. Co-editor of: Refugiații polonezi în România, 1939–1947. Documente din Arhivele Naționale ale României/Polscy uchodźcy w Rumunii 1939–1947. Dokumenty z Narodowych Archiwów Rumunii [polish refugees in romania. Documents from the national archives of romania], bilingual edition (romanian-polish), Warsaw-Bucharest: arhivele naționale ale româniei, instytut pamięci narodowej Komisja Ścigania zbrodni przeciwko narodowi polskiemu, iiCCmer, 2013, vol. i-ii; Istoria comunismului din România [history of Communism in romania], vol. i: Documente. Perioada Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (1945–1965) [Documents. gheorghe gheorghiu-Dej period]. Bucharest: humanitas, 2009; vol. ii: Documente Nicolae Ceauşescu (1965–1971) [Documents nicolae Ceauşescu (1965–1971)] iași: polirom, 2012 (with mihnea Berindei and armand goşu); Raportul Final al Comisiei Prezidenţiale pentru Analiza Dictaturii Comuniste din România [final report of the presidential Commission for the study of the Communist Dictatorship in romania]. Bucharest: monitorul oficial, 2006; 2nd, rev. ed., Bucharest: humanitas, 2007 (with vladimir Tismăneanu and Cristian vasile); Ţărănimea şi puterea. Procesul de colectivizare a agriculturii în România (1949–1962) [The peasantry and the power. The process of collectivization of agriculture in romania (1949–1962)]. iaşi: polirom, 2005 (with Constantin iordachi). David FEEST is research associate at the Berlin-hohenschönhausen memorial , germany. he specializes in modern russian and Baltic history. selected publications: Zwangskollektivierung im Baltikum. Die Sowjetisierung des Estnischen Dorfes 1944–1953. Cologne, Weimar, vienna: Böhlau verlag, 2007. editor of: Von den Restgütern zu den Sowchosen in Estland 1939–1953. Dokumentensammlung. unter mitarbeit von Karsten Brüggemann. münster: lit verlag, 2010. Co-editor of: Imperiale Herrschaft in der Provinz. Repräsentationen politischer Macht im späten Zarenreich. Cologne: Campus verlag, 2008 (with Jörg Baberowski and Christoph gumb); and Dem Anderen begegnen. Eigene und fremde Repräsentationen in sozialen Gemeinschaften. Cologne: Campus verlag, 2008 (with Jörg Baberowski and maike lehmann). michail GruEv is associate professor at sofia university “st. Kliment ohridski.” his research interests focus on the recent history of Bulgaria, ethnic and cultural issues, minorities, and historical anthropology. selected publications: Между петолъчката и полумесеца. Българите мюсюлмани и политическият режим 1944–1959 [Between the red star and...
