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102 白日之眠 这是我们的白日之眠 他说,这时头朝上 脖子别无他用 除了亲吻 吮吸 镜子, 梳子和赤裸的脚后跟 弯下了它们的尖状 全身的两半 一半写着 : 昼 一半写着 : 夜 (称呼你出自自然 呼你 助我直抵峰巅) 窗外 塔吊高高向我落下 辗转睡去 也无法闭上双眼 103 DAYLIGHt sLUMBeRs these are our daylight slumbers he says, right now we’re looking up our necks have no other purpose besides kissing sucking the mirror, the comb and naked heels hinge upon their points the two halves of a whole body one half inscribed: day the other: night (calling you a child of nature calling you to help me prop up this summit) outside the window a tower crane falls towards me i toss and turn but cannot shut my eyes in sleep ...
