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WORKS CITED BY HENRY (and by the editor in the apparatus) The numbers in Roman characters indicate non-literal citations; The numbers in italics indicate literal citations; The numbers in parentheses indicate citations whose identifications are uncertain; Exponents indicate the number of times that a source is cited on the same page. Aegidius Romanus In primum librum sententiarum (ed. Venice 1521 [= Frankfurt a. M., 1968]) I, d. 2, q. 3, art. 2: 216, 218 I, d. 2, q. 3, art. 3: 216, 218 I, d. 20, q. 1, art. 2: 248 Aelredus Rievallensis De speculo caritatis (ed.A. HOSTE-C. TALBOT, in CCCM 1,Turnhout, 1971) II, c. 13: 193 Anonymus I Auctoritates Aristotelis (ed. J. HAMESSE, in Philosophes Médiévaux, XVII, Louvain-Paris 1974) 1, 118: 162 1, 124: 267 1, 129: 23 1, 134: 93 1, 138: 112 2, 139: 112 2, 144: 248 2, 145: 85 2, 147: 24 2, 148: 4, 178 3, 161: 4 3, 162: 125 3, 163: 83, 112 3, 165: 118, 125 4, 168: 135 6, 175: 134 6, 177: 98 6, 179: 35, 37 , 43, 212 6, 181: 98 6, 182: 1772 11, 232: 57 , 86 12, 232: 161 12, 234: 64 12, 236: 84 12, 242: 186, 200 12, 247: 87 , 124 25, 289: 65, 168 25, 290: 139, 169 31, 304: 261 Anonymus II (Ps.-Henricus) Les Quaestiones in Librum de causis attribuées à Henri de Gand (ed. J. ZWAENEPOEL, in Philosophes Médiévaux, tome XV, LouvainParis 1974) q. 45: 57 Anonymus III Symbolum «Quicumque» (quod vocatur «Athanasianum») (ed. H. DENZINGER in Enchiridion Symbolorum, ed. 31, Freiburg i. Br., 1957; PG 28, Paris, 1854) no. 39: 73, 227, 259 Anonymus IV Liber de causis (ed.A. PATTIN, Leuven 1966) Prop. 99: 57 , 161 Prop. 138: 238 Prop. 139: 239 Prop. 140: 239 Prop. 141: 239 HenricusDEF.indd 335 20-12-2007 16:14:14 278 TABLES Prop. 148: 90 Prop. 189: 116 Anonymus V Contra philosophos (ed. D.ASCHOFF in CC lat. 58,Turnhout 1975) V: 164 Anonymus VI Enarratio in VIIum Aristotelis Moralium ad Nicomachum I (ed. H. P. F. MERCKEN in Commentaria graeca in Ethicam Nicomacheam, translata a ROBERTO GROSSETESTE [Corpus latinum commentariorum in Aristotelem graecorum,VI 3], Leuven 1991) c. 17: 201, 205 Anselmus Cantuariensis (Opera Omnia, ed. F. SCHMITT, 6 vol., Roma-Edinburgh 1938-1961 [reprint ed. in 6 vol., Cannstatt 1968]: PL 158-159, Paris 1854) De processione Spiritus Sancti (ed. F. SCHMITT in Opera Omnia, II, 1946; PL 158, Paris 1854) c. 1: 212 Proslogion (ed. F. SCHMITT in Opera Omnia, I, 1938; PL 158, Paris 1854) c. 5: 185, 187 , 204, 215, 243, 260 Aristoteles (Aristoteles Latinus, in Corpus philosophorum medii aevi, Union Académique Internationale; Aristotelis opera cum Averrois commentariis, ed. Iuntina,Venezia, 14 volumes, 1562-1574 [anast. repr. Frankfurt a. M. 1962]; Opera graece, ed. I. BEKKER, Berlin 1831, 2 volumes (cf. etiam ANONYMUS I) De anima (in ALBERTI MAGNI Com­ mentario, ed. Cl. STROICK, Münster i.W. 1968; in AVERROIS Commentario , ed.F. S. CRAWFORD in CCAA VI, 1, Cambridge (Mass.) 1953; ed. Iunt., Suppl. II; ed. I. BEKKER) I, c. 1: 134 II, c. 4: 35, 37 , 43, 98, 212 c. 5: 177 III, c. 1: 38 c. 3: 195 c. 4: 90, 137 c. 5: 90 c. 7: 9 De caelo (Transl. Gerardi in ALBERTI MAGNI Commentario, ed. P. HOSSFELD , Münster 1971; ed. I. BEKKER) I, c. 4: 4 II, c. 3: 83, 112 c.  12: 41, 83, 87 , 113, 117, 123, 154 c. 13: 7 Categoriae (Transl. Boethii, ed. L. MINIO-PALUELLO = Arist. Lat. I,1-5, 1961; transl. Moerbeke, ID; in SIMPLICII Commentario, ed.A. PATTIN, Louvain-Paris 1971-1975; ed. Iunt., I,1; ed. I. BEKKER) c. 7: 228, 243 c. 8: 177 , 1782 , 188, 210 c. 12: 261 c. 13: 248, 259 Ethica Nicomachea (Transl. Roberti Grosseteste:A. Recensio pura - ed. R.A. GAUTHIER = Arist. Lat. XXVI 1-3, fasc. 3, 1972; in THOMAE DE AQUINO Sent. Libr. Eth., ed. Leon. XLVII.1, 1994; ed. I. BEKKER) I, c. 1: 86, 93, 101, 105, 225 c. 7: 97 , 109 c. 8: 823 c. 9: 64 c. 12: 166 c. 13: 78 III, c. 5: 84 VI, c. 1: 24 c. 4: 93 c. 5: 932 , 225 VII, c. 7: 204 HenricusDEF.indd 336 20-12-2007 16:14:14 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 13:13 GMT) WORKS CITED BY HENRY 279 c. 11: 187...
