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Contemporary Chinese Nationalism & Transnationalism Contemporary Chinese Nationalism & Transnationalism CHINA CHINA INSIDE OUT INSIDE OUT Edited by Pál Nyíri and Joana Breidenbach CHINA CHINA Edited by Pál Nyíri and Joana Breidenbach INSIDE OUT INSIDE OUT Contemporary Chinese Nationalism & Transnationalism This book responds to calls for an area studies that shakes off the shackles of orientalist legacy, but retains the close reading of local processes. All of the authors, from boundaries of China and its study, but believe that area studies have a role to play if their geographies are problematised. Together, the chapters shape an area studies that is equally sensitive to flows as it is to boundaries. The book is intended for scholars at the beginning of their research careers, but policymakers needing a critical view of Asian studies will also find it useful. Its self-contained design allows even those whose access to resources on disciplinary knowledge and methodology is limited to make fruitful use of it. different perspectives, challenge the ABOUT THE EDITORS Pál Nyíri Joana Breidenbach is currently a lecturer at the Department of the Anthropology Division of SCMP Macquarie University, Australia. is an anthropologist and journalist based in Berlin. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Maps and Figures Overview Contributors Glossary Literature Index of Textboxes Index 1. Anthropological Concepts for the Study of Nationalism ( 2. The Legacy of Empires and Nations in East Asia ( 3. Researching Chinese Nationalism: the Foreign Relations Dimension 4. On the Periphery of the “Clash of Civilizations?” Discourse and Geopolitics in Russo-Chinese Relations 5. Approaches to Transnationalism and Diaspora's Longing for a Chinese Homeland ( 6. The “New Migrant”: State and Market Constructions of Modernity and Patriotism 7. Race in China ( 8. Outside In: SinoBurmese Encounters 9. Alterity Motives ( 10. The Contemporary Intellectual Context of the China Inside Out Project Aihwa Ong) Prasenjit Duara) (Daojiong Zha) (Alexander V. Lomanov) Louisa Schein) (Pál Nyíri) Frank Dikötter) (Penny Edwards) Dru C. Gladney) (George E. Marcus) Diaspora Research: Researching the Hmong The authors of this text believe that “areas” as assemblages of social processes requiring distinct, culture-bound explanations cannot be replaced with global theories, but that the meaning of “the area” can be different depending on the question one studies. The study of China and Chinese, in particular, is a good arena to challenge the disciplinary and geographic boundaries of conventional area studies for several reasons. First, because of the wealth of simultaneous processes of rapid political, social, and discursive change in contemporary territory, nation, and ethnicity in China; third, because China studies, perhaps more than any other area studies at the moment, is a highly competitive political and academic industry whose internal working must be critically examined. In addition, the subject of China has become one of the primary loci of contesting the meanings of globalization and the universality versus relativity of “values” and modernity. Chinese society; second, because of the problematic relationship between state, From the Overview Central European University Press Budapest – New York Sales and information: Website: 9 7 9 9 6 3 9 2 4 1 9 5 3 > ISBN 963924195-4 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK ...
