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Foreword This work is a comprehensive examination of the state of conflicts and the post-conflict environment in West Africa. It is outstanding in its analysis of the causes and interconnection between conflicts in the various trouble spots in the region. The monograph deals with the challenges of peacebuilding and is refreshing in its prescription of the need to effectively move away from traditional peacekeeping to the more durable peace-building strategy as the long-term solution for regional conflicts. The study should be appreciated against the background of numerous conflicts of low-intensity and deadly dimensions going on in Africa. In West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal, Niger, Guinea Bissau and Mauritania have the potential for violent crises and recurring conflicts and even wars. The failure of post-conflict resolution mechanisms makes it imperative to give serious thought to Osita Agbu’s case in favour of regional peace-building as a sustainable solution to the conflicts in the West African region. I consider this monograph a major contribution to the literature on post-conflict peace-building. It is highly recommended as a worthy source of information. Professor Adebayo Olukoshi Executive Secretary CODESRIA ...
