
Contents: Trucking Flowers to the Dump on a Day Like No Other 1; Reading The Idiot in Carleton House Apartments, Millville, New Jersey 2; Throwing a Ball South of the Pine Barrens 3; Fact-Checking 4; Waiting for the Bus in the Reading Room of the Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Haggard in a Leather Armchair 5; Why I Am Not a Performance Poet 6; Ode to Didi’s Squash Stew and the Waitresses at Fred’s Place 8; My Wife’s Ass (or “You Annoy Me, Matthew Dickman!”) 9; Another Bourbon Poem 10;The Channel Deeper than Anyone Has Ever Known It, Except for the Implacable Scavenger 11; Blueberry (or “Another Summer-of-1975 Poem”) 13; Fat Freddy’s Burnt Mill Blues 18; Krishnamurti 19; Having Come Late to Kenneth Koch 20; Another Harvey-Pekar-Is-Dead Poem 21; The Boy and the Bisbings 22; Crystal Meth Under Her Choir Robe 23;Nothing Happened 24; Sand Road Stomp (Slight Return) 26;Bob Johnson 27; What Happens to the Circus 28; Beatrice 30;Monotony (or “Another Chekhov Poem”) 32;The Maltese Falcon 34; Mayakovsky 36; The Totossian Poem 38; Jumbo Pagano Might Have Work for You 40; The Bridge Over Blackwater Creek 41; Final Food 43; The Ocean City Poem 44; Another Life-Goes-On Poem 46; Another Spanish Moss Poem 49; Everywhere At Once 51; No Away 54; Balcony 57; The Mistake 59; Another Mistake 60; Down Teaburner Road 62; Bats and Balls 63; Another “Taps” Poem 64; Schoolhouse Door 66; Honorary Jew 68; Poem Beginning With a Line from Ezra Pound’s “Canto XX” and Ending With a Line from “Notes for Canto CXX” 69; Canoeing the Lagoon 70; Hansey Creek Eel Blues 71; Another Forgiveness Poem 72; Notes 73; Acknowledgments 74
