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Notes to Parts IA, IB PART IA 1. For details on specific tombs/tomb groups, see Part IB. (For overall background on the history of Etruria, and ancient historical sources, see Camporeale 2000A: 11–13, 35–41; Haynes 2000: passim; Torelli 1986A and 1981.) 2. For more details, see Camporeale 2000A:xiii–xvii; Hall 1996:367–68. PART IA, CHAPTER 1 1. See Bartoloni 2002; Camporeale 2000A:71–79; Haynes 2000:1–45. For Tarquinia, see Hencken 1968A and 1968B; and later studies, such as Buranelli 1983, and Mandolesi 1999 (with full bibliography.) Veii, the focus of an early project by the British School at Rome, and continuing Italian excavations published in Notizie degli Scavi (NS) (1963 on) is represented in the publications by G. Bartoloni et al., refining the chronology set by J. Close-Brooks (1979). 2. Bietti Sestieri (1998, 2000); Pallottino et al. 1992B; also Bartoloni et al. (2000). For description of Italian prehistory and landscape studies, see Barker and Rasmussen (1998) and references therein. 3. See Haynes 2000:135–37; Herodotus (1.94) calls them cities in Greek. 4. See Briquel 2001 and 1993:88–89; Camporeale 2001; Colonna 2001; Maggiani 2001; Torelli 1981. 5. See Moser 1996. 6. De Puma 1986:21, see map p. 20 fig. 5. On Vulci, see N. T. de Grummond in de Grummond 1996B:119–20. 7. See Camporeale 2000A:259–69; N. T. de Grummond, F. R. Serra Ridgway in de Grummond 1996B:231–32, 1180–81. For additional background, see Riccioni 1979; Moretti Sgubini, ed. 2001B, and Neppi Modona, ed. 1977. 8. See Camporeale 2000A:299–301; F. Delpino in Cristofani, ed. 1985:38–39; Delpino 1977. For a good map with locations of the necropoleis of Bisenzio, see De Puma 1986:15 fig. 3. 9. For Gran Carro see Tamburini 1995; on landscape, agriculture and essentials of life in early Etruria, see Barker and Rasmussen 1998. 10. See F. R. Serra Ridgway in de Grummond 1996B:264–65; Camporeale 2000A:223–34. 11. For background, maps, see Camporeale 2000A:234–41. 12. See G. Nardi in Cristofani, ed. 1985:185–86; also Moretti Sgubini et al. 1998. For Narce excavations, see especially, Baglione and Brolli 1998, with full bibliography of this region and period. Other sources: Dohan 1942; Davison 1972:3–6. A. Cozza in Barnabei et al. 1895:cols. 113–14, 161–62 lists the names of the various “sepolcreti” surrounding Narce. 13. See Colonna 2001. 14. See F. R. Serra Ridgway in de Grummond 1996B:278–79; Camporeale 2000A:312–25. 15. Becker 1996 and forthcoming. 16. For methods of interpreting funerary evidence for social conditions, in the Latin settlement of Osteria dell’Osa, see Bietti Sestieri 1992:240ff. and passim. For discussion of social issues linked to artifact types, see Haynes 2000:chapters 1–2, and references below. 17. Pliny, Natural History 8.194. See Aman 2000:194. 18. For Etruscan and Italic textile production and symbolism , see Pt. IA, chapters 2 and 4, and Bartoloni et al. 1997:96–100. For further discussion of the bronze spindles , all probably from the area of Bologna, but distributed throughout central Italy, see under 3. 19. NS 1965:123–39 and A. Berardinetti Insam in Moretti Sgubini, ed., 2001B:98–105; she suggests a date at the end of the 3rd quarter of the 8th century. 20. See A. Rastrelli in Bartoloni et al. 2000:196–99. 21. See Bonfante 2003. 22. On the craft and social/ideological implications of weaving, see Barber 1994. 23. For fibula technology, see Toms 2001:96–105: other methods, such as bivalve molds, have also been identified . 24. Called by Toms (2001:94) the “composite arch bow” type, which originated at the beginning of the Iron Age. 25. For illustrations of the progression of fibula types, see Jucker et al. 1991:56–68. See Toms 2001, and Bietti Sestieri 1982:6–12, 20–23 nos. 1–51 for early typology to mid-7th century BC. For background and plates of artifact typologies in general, see Guidi and Piperno 1992. The full development of fibulae is traced in the classic Sundwall 1943, to be supplemented with excavation reports and volumes in the Prähistorische Bronzefunde series, such as von Eles Masi 1986. The typology of 6th century and later fibulae is analyzed by Guzzo 1972. 26. See the Villanovan wooden bowls and boxes found at Tarquinia (Kilian 1977) and the Orientalizing furniture from Verucchio (Bartoloni et al. 2000:230–31 nos. 253...
