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443 A Aberfan, Wales, gob pile collapse in, 321 Action for Appalachian Youth, 152–53 Action for Appalachian Youth-Community Development (AAY-CD ), 164–65, 233 Activism. See Community action; specific issues Ad Hoc Commission, on Buffalo Creek disaster, Governor’s, 328–29, 415n35 Ad Hoc Committee for the Poor, Unemployed, and Disadvantaged Citizens of West Virginia, 203 African Americans, 359n37. See also Civil rights movement; Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); NAACP; Race relations; Segregation communities of, 103–4, 109–10, 118, 122–25 education for, 89–90, 93–94, 103–8 effects of migration of, 238, 241–42 effects of school integration on, 98–101, 103–4, 241, 369n44 housing for, 109, 232 jobs for, 88, 91–92, 101–2 migrations of, 37, 86, 92–93, 123–24 militancy of, 237–42 Miners for Democracy and, 125, 406n53 political influence of, 77, 86–88, 124 sense of community among, 86, 88 unemployment of, 85–86, 90–91, 232–33 urban life of, 109–10 Agriculture, 35, 84, 189 decline of, 7, 24–26, 52, 153–54 desire for regional self-sufficiency in, 52, 64 jobs lost in, 11, 27–28, 82, 352n57 proposal to get farming land for unemployed miners, 63–64 proposals to maintain, 25, 260 strip mining destroying, 287–88 subsistence, 25–26 Ahern, Melissa, 339 Aid to Dependent Children of the Unemployed (ADCU), 135, 144–47, 189 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 147 Air pollution, from burning slag piles, 15–16 Airports, 167, 234, 284, 340 Alexander, Lamar, 342 Alinsky, Saul, 151, 180 Allen, Leroy, 239 Alliance for Appalachia, 342 Ambler, Charles Henry, 105 American Revolution, land speculation after, 41 Anderson, Jack, 284 Andrews, Carl, 60 Anti-labor regulations, 21 Antiwar movement, 211, 236–37 Appalachia, 126, 134 definition of region, 82, 333n2 pessimism about future of, 132–33 unique problems of, 82, 156 Appalachia on Our Mind: The Southern Mountains and Mountaineers in the American Consciousness (Shapiro), 4 Appalachia Speaks conference (Huntington), 188–89, 291, 391n102 Appalachian Alliance, 42, 341 Appalachian Center for the Economy and Environment, 342 Appalachian Coalition, 314 Appalachian Community Meeting, 187 Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People (AGSLP), 192–93, 292 Appalachian Land Ownership Study, 341 Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), 42, 135 achievements of, 219, 337 formation of, 82–83 funding public works projects, 165–67 Appalachian Regional Development Act, 166–68 Index 444 Index Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (Appalred), 262 Appalachian South Folklife Center, 201 Appalachian Strip Mining Information Service, 296 Appalachian Studies Association, 341 Appalachian Voices, 342 Appalachian Volunteers, 7, 176–89 achievements of, 8, 189–90, 191, 223, 227 activism by former members of, 259, 262, 285 administration of, 156, 178–80, 192, 205, 386n21 assessing effectiveness of War on Poverty, 188–89 characteristics of volunteers, 177–79, 186, 207–9, 211, 386n21 cooperation with other organizations, 182, 291–92 Council of Southern Mountains and, 156, 178–80 criticisms of, 193–96 criticisms of morality of, 179, 204 criticized as outsiders, 203, 209–11 demise of, 205, 261 disillusionment among, 205–6 evolution of, 177–79, 186–87, 192 Fair Elections Committee and, 224, 227 funding cut for, 206–7 goals of, 179–80 grassroots organizing by, 153, 182–84, 191, 199, 291, 391n102 opposition to, 185, 202, 206 radicalization of, 178–79, 191–92, 202–3, 205 relations with local people, 207–9 support for, 193–95, 203 training and, 183, 186, 201 VISTA and, 183, 186 Appalachian Youth, 170 Appalshop, 341 Aptheker, Herbert, 237 Area Redevelopment Administration (ARA), 129–32, 153, 172, 177 Area Redevelopment bill, Eisenhower vetoing, 78, 83, 126, 361n68 Army Corps of Engineers, 219, 420n28 cleaning up after Buffalo Creek disaster, 326, 330 in combined survey of coal dams, 333–35 Artis, Harry, 228 Arts and crafts cooperatives, 260–61 Arvon, Manuel, 198, 199, 260 Association of Disabled Miners and Widows, 275, 278–79 Auger mining, 15, 288–90 Austin, Richard Cartwright, 197, 199, 296, 304, 310, 387n52 Automobiles, 11, 29–30, 48 Auvil, Ken, 300 Ayer, Perley F., 179 B Babcock State Park, 194 Bailey, Ellis, 291 Bailey, Larrie, 145 Baker, Russell, 3–4, 133 Bank, Richard, 254–55, 263, 273 Banks, influence on Turnpike Commission, 48–49 Barbour County, 96 Barron, Mrs. William, 221–22 Barron, William Wallace “Wally,” 114, 129–30, 136 appointees of, 141–42, 281 on centennial art, 138–39 corruption of, 220–22 corruption under, 134–37, 220–21, 401n101 initiatives under, 135–36 Moore and, 235–36 political career of, 134...
