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 72 Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there once lived a tsar. This tsar had three daughters and one son, Prince Ivan. The tsar grew old and died, and Prince Ivan took the crown. As soon as the neighboring kings learned about this, they immediately gathered numberless armies and set off to make war against him. Prince Ivan didn’t know what to do. He went to his sisters and asked,“My dearest sisters, what can I do? All the kings have risen in war against me.” “Oh, such a brave warrior! What are you frightened of? How is it that Beloy Polyanin42 makes war against Baba Yaga, golden leg? For thirty years he hasn’t dismounted from his horse, and he knows no rest. But you’re frightened, even though you haven’t seen anything yet!” Prince Ivan at once saddled his good horse, put on his battle harness, took his sword, his long-measuring spear, and his silken lash, said a prayer to God, and rode out against the enemy. He didn’t strike with his sword so much as he trampled with his horse. He battered through all the enemy forces, returned to the city, lay down to sleep, and slept for three days without waking. On the fourth day he woke up, went out onto the balcony, and looked at the open field. The kings had gathered an even larger force and had come back up to the very walls. The prince was sad, and he went to his sisters.“Ah, my sisters! What can I do? I wiped out one force, but now another one stands beneath the city walls, threatening us even more than the first.” “What kind of warrior are you? You fought for one day, and then you slept for three days without waking. How is it that Beloy Polyanin fights against Baba Yaga, golden leg, and hasn’t dismounted from his horse for thirty years, and knows no rest?” Prince Ivan ran into the white-stoned stable, saddled up his good bogatyr horse, put on his battle harness, girded on his sword, took his longaiming spear in one hand, his silken lash in the other, said a prayer to God, and went out against the enemy. It was not a bright falcon flying at a flock  Prince Ivan and Beloy Polyanin 73 of geese, swans, and gray ducks—it was Prince Ivan attacking the enemy force. He himself didn’t strike as much as his horse trampled. He beat down the forces of the great host, returned home, lay down to sleep, and slept for six days without waking. On the seventh day he awoke, came out onto the balcony, and looked at the open field. The kings had collected an even larger army and had once again surrounded the whole city. Prince Ivan went to his sisters. “My dearest sisters! What can I do? I wiped out two armies, but a third one stands at the walls, threatening us even more.” “Ah, you brave warrior! You fought for one day, then you slept for six without waking. How is it that Beloy Polyanin fights with Baba Yaga, golden leg? For thirty years he hasn’t dismounted from his horse, he knows no rest.” This seemed bitter to the prince. He ran to the white-stoned stables, saddled his good bogatyr horse, put on his battle harness, girded on his sword, took his long-aiming spear in one hand, his silken lash in the other, said a prayer to God, and rode out against the enemy. It was not a bright falcon flying at a flock of geese, swans, and gray ducks; it was Prince Ivan attacking the enemy army. He himself didn’t strike so much as his horse trampled. He beat down the forces of the great host, returned home, lay down to sleep, and slept without waking for nine days. On the ninth day he awoke and called all the ministers and senators.“Gentlemen, my ministers and senators! I have decided to travel to distant lands, to take a look at Beloy Polyanin. While I’m away, I ask you to judge and keep order, to resolve all matters of justice.” After that he said good-bye to his sisters, mounted his horse, and set out on his way. For a long time or a short time, he rode in a thick forest. He saw a little house standing. An old...
