In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS QUite฀a฀few฀PeoPle฀have฀been฀vitally฀iMPortant฀to฀the฀coMPletion฀of฀this฀book.฀ I’ve been working on this project for so long that I could not have sustained progress without their help, consideration, and willingness to allow me to work on this instead of other things. Their patience, strength, guidance, and wisdom have made this book possible. I owe so much to them all! When I needed them, they were there. And when I didn’t have the will to continue, they helped me to get a brand new start—motivating me to continue long after I would have given up. To them all, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I must start by thanking the almighty, powerful, ever-present God I serve: you have made all things possible every day of my life. My amazing family—Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Bama, Racquel, Rona, and Robin—you have all given me so much love and support that I could not receive it all. My wonderfully considerate and supportive husband,Thomas—you have made all the difference by loving me so well and opening my eyes to the fact that there is more to life than work. The conception of this project owes much to the guidance, support, encouragement ,and wisdom of Pamela Caughie.Throughout graduate school, you were willing to read endless drafts and to comment thoughtfully and constructively on my analysis and word choice. You are such a jewel! Paul Jay and Chris Castiglia, your comments and advice were invaluable. Many, many thanks to Cynthia Cornell, who has been a teacher, mentor, and supporter extraordinaire, for recognizing my potential for success, even as an undergraduate,and supporting and encouraging me through every phase of my professional journey.You have always been on my side, and I will always be on yours. I give much recognition and thanks to all those at DePauw University who supported this project by allowing me two junior leaves, including the English Department, Neal Abraham,Wayne Glausser, Samuel Autman, Keith Stanford, Vanessa Dickerson, Deborah Geis, and President Robert Bottoms, the most amazing president any university could have. I’m x฀ ฀ acknowledgMents so blessed and honored to have attended and worked at the university while you were there. You don’t know how much your encouragement, support, and care meant during truly difficult times. Many, many thanks as well to Missy Dehn Kubitschek and David Ikard, who were absolutely tireless in their willingness to read and comment on this manuscript. Missy, your critical feminist eye, meticulous attention to language, and knowledge of African American literature were crucial to polishing the manuscript and argument. And David, your guidance, wisdom , advice, and direction made all the difference to the value this book may add to scholarship on black male feminism. Both you and Missy will always have my undying gratitude. Tamara Beauboeuf LaFontant, Rhonda Wheatley, Catherine Coomer Wright, Toya Sarpy, Devon Wade, Gina Ross, Mary Ellen Flock, Jennifer Thorington Springer, and Megan Musgrave—your unceasing and abundant love,support,and encouragement throughout this process have meant more to me than you know.You have all played different but extremely important roles in my journey toward finding my voice and myself. You have been there through good and bad,thick and thin,triumphs and disappointments. God could not have provided me with a more amazing or wonderful circle of women to support and love me. Much love to you all! I have also been the beneficiary of Kerry Ann Rockquemore, her amazing Faculty Success Program, and the many supportive people and groups who aided me in developing a daily writing habit and moving toward the successful completion of this project. Special thanks to Callie, Carla, and Shanna (my small group), to Diana (my buddy), and to the Draft Dodgers (Jennifer, Meg,Andy, and Estela)—you are all absolutely fabulous! You have made the push to the end so much easier! Many thanks as well to my colleagues in the English Department and Africana Studies at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis— those like Thom Upton, David Sabol, Obioma Nnaemeka, Modupe Labode , Una Osili, Khaula Murtadha, Sherree Wilson, Jane Schultz, William Blomquist, Robert White, and Marianne Wokeck.You have all been so helpful in allowing me the time, support, and encouragement needed to continue this project.And, too, I must thank the wonderful support staff along the way, who saved me many hours of work and effort, including Bobbi Kelly,Alice Hardy, Pat King...
