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I Index of Names Page numbers ofPeirce texts are in italics. Abbot, F. E., 24 Almeder, Robert, 188 Anselm, 139, 184n Apel, Karl-Otto, 22, 23, 31, 33, 3738 ,67,188 Aquinas, Thomas, 139 Aristotle, 12,20-21,27,36, 60,87, 89, 126 Bacon, Francis, 51, 69, 78, 161 Bacon, Roger, 68 Bain, Alexander, 9, 23, 93-94, 110 Baldwin, J. M., 119, 132 Berkeley, George, 23, 59, 131-32 Bernstein, Richard, 185n, 188 Boler, John F., 190 Boole, George, 23 Brahe, Tycho, 69 Brent, Duncan, 25n Brent, Joseph, ix, 2-3, 5-7, 9, 11, 14, 25n, 188 Brown, Reverend John W., 15 Buchler, Justus, xii, 188 Bull, Sara, 16 Burks, Arthur, xi, xiii Calderoni, Mario, 56 Cantor, Georg, 9 Carlyle, Thomas, 133 Corrington, Robert, 187 Carns, Paul, 9, 16, 18, 137 Cato, Marcus, 100 Clarke, Bowman, 139 Clausius, Rudolf, 70, 87 Clifford, William Kingdon, 83, 90, 94,114,144,183 Colapietro, Vincent, 25n, 171, 190 Comte, Auguste, 31, 98, 121, 147 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 69, 164 Darwin, Charles, 23,70,87,106,147 Davis, William, 189 I 199 Delaney, Cornelius, 189 Deledalle, Gerard, 48, 187 De Morgen, Augustus, 23 Descartes, Rene, 23, 26, 55, 92, 96, 106, 116n, 168 de Tienne, Andre, 25n Deuser, Hermann, ix, 139, 190 Dewey, John, vii, 24, 97,100,112, 179, 183-84; and pragmatism, 17-18,29,55,115 Diogenes the Cynic, 133 Edwards, Jonathan, 24, 116n, 169 Eisele, Carolyn, xi, xiii, 32, 189 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 24, 44, 179 Esposito, Joseph, 189 Euclid, 96, 126, 159 Feibleman, James, 188 Fisch, Max, ix, xi, xiii, 4, 21, 24, 25n, 58-59, 61, 187, 191 Fiske, John, 93, 151 Forster, Paul, 50-51 Freeman, Eugene, 189 Galileo, 69, 129-30, 164-65 Gallie, W. B., 188 Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 10 Gilbert, William, 69 Gilman, Daniel Coit, 6 Goudge, Thomas, 26-27, 137, 188 Green, Nicholas St. John, 93 Greenlee, Douglas, 46, 190 Hardwick, Charles S., xiii Harris, William Torrey, 12 Hartshorne, Charles, xi, xiii, 66, 152 Hausman, Carl, ix, 26-27, 29, 30, 34-35, 60, 65, 67, 67n, 102, 109, 141, 185n, 188 Hegel, Georg W. F., 24, 37, 40, 58, 65,80, 135 Holbach, Paul, d', 58 Hookway, Christopher, 17, 27-28, 39,56,84-86,94,98,100-101, 200 I INDEX Hookway (continued) 107, 113, 115n, 137, 153-55, 160, 185n, 188 Hoopes, James, xii Houser, Nathan, ix, xi, xii, 13,34,39 Howison, G. H., 62 Hume, David, 23, 49, 93, 102 James, Alice, 8 James, Henry, Sr., 10, 14, 24, 61, 171 James, William, vii, xii, 2, 10-11, 24,90,112,114,135,137,153, 166, 171-72, 176, 182-83; and possibles, 60; and pragmatism, 9,16-18,29,55,115,132,17780 ; and tychism, 14, 184 J astrow, Joseph, 5 Jefferson, Thomas, 144 Johansen,J~rgenDines, 190 Jouffroy, Theodore, 4 Kant, Immanuel, 4,12,21-23, 25n, 31, 85, 102, 107,128, 131, 137, 162 Kent, Beverly, 30-31, 39, 41-43, 53,55,57,188 Kepler, Johann, 69, 78, 164 Ketner, Kenneth, xi, xii, xiii, 32, 34-35,66, 185n, 187 Keyser, Cassius Jackson, ix, xiii, 135,172, 184n Kloesel, Christian, ix, xi, xii, 46 Koehn, Donald, 101, 102 Ladd-Franklin, Christine, 9, 14, 63,66,178 Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 69 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 4, 24, 55,102,133 Locke, John, 23,46 Marx, Karl, 43 Maxwell, Clerk, 70, 87 Mill, John Stuart, 23 Misak, C. J., 51-52, 54, 110, 116n, 161, 189 Moore, Edward, 188-89 Murphey, Murray, 26-30, 33, 37, 41,61,86,98-99,105,188 Ockham, William of, 23 Orange, Donna, 139, 175, 177, 190 Pearson, Karl, 43 Peirce, Benjamin (father), 3, 32 Peirce, Charles Henry (uncle), 3 Peirce, Juliette (second wife), 6-10 Peirce, Melusina Fay (first wife), 6-8 Peirce, Sarah Hunt Mills (mother), 3 Petry, Edward, 25n, 42-43 Pfeifer, David, 62, 176 Plato, 25n, 78, 118 Potter, Vincent, 139, 143, 190 Putnam, Hilary, xi, xiii, 32, 34-35, 66 Raposa, Michael, ix, 14,62, 13839 , 184n, 185n, 190 Reid, Thomas, 23 Reilly, Francis E., 189 Rescher, Nicholas, 165, 189 Roberts, Don D., 189 Robin, Richard S., xii, 188 Roosevelt, Teddy, 114 Rorty, Richard, vii, 18, 111 Rosenthal, Sandra, 67, 116n, 188 Royce, Josiah, 9, 24, 25n, 62 Russell, Bertrand, 135 Russell, Francis, xii, 9,11,44,46, 49,178 Savan, David, 190 Scheffler, Israel, 83-84, 187 Schiller, F. C. S., 17-18,28-29,55, 115,13~ 135,171,177,183 Schiller...
