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Appendix B List of Variable Names Mnemonic Description Question ACCURACY How well can MC be measured All ADJCOSTQ Has costs of adjusting output B8(j) ADJCOSTS Has costs of price adjustment B8(a) BUFFERS Inventories slow price changes Bll BUSINESS Fraction of sales to businesses A2(b) CON Construction/mining firm dummy CONC Concentration ratio CONSUMER Fraction of sales to consumers A2(a) COORD Importance of coordination failures BlO COSTS Prices based on costs B6 CYCLE Index of coincidental indicators CYCLICAL Cyclically sensitive A6 ELAST Elasticity of demand A4 FLATMC Marginal cost B7(a) FORESEEN Cost increases can be foreseen B6(d) FREQ Frequency of price changes AIO GOVT Fraction of sales to others (gov't) A2(c) HIERARCHY Hierarchy slows price decisions B9 IMPLICIT Implicit contracts B2(a) INDUSTRY Industry INFLATION Inflation outlook affects prices A7(b) INTERVAL Customary interval for price reviews A9 INVENTORY Firm holds inventories Bll(a) LOYAL Lose least loyal customers first? BS(a) MCPCT Fraction of costs that are variable AI2(b) MFG Manufacturing firm dummy 338 Asking About Prices NONPRICE Firms adjust nonprice elements B12(a) OUTLOOK Economic outlook affects prices A7(a) POINTS Pricing points B4(a) QUALITY Quality depends on price B3(a) RATION Customers are put on allocation AS REGULATE Some prices regulated A14 REGULARS Fraction sold to regular customers A3 RETAIL Retail trade firm dummy SERV Service firm dummy S/I Sales-inventory ratio Al6 SIZE Log of firm's annual sales Al SIZEIOB Sales greater than $10 billion Al STICKY Price stickiness (constructed) AID, A13 STOCK Fraction produced to stock AIS(a) TCU Transportation/communications/ utility firm dummy TRADE Retail and wholesale trade firm dummy UNION Unionization rate in industry WHOLESALE Wholesale trade firm dummy WRITTEN Fraction of sales under contract AS ...
