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Index Page numbers for figures are followed by the letter f; page numbers for tables are followed by the letter t. Abortion Non-Discrimination Act of 2002, 102; House positions on, 104 abortion policy, 15, 57, 74, 76, 77, 80–81, 84, 101, 103t, 104t, 108, 109t, 111, 115, 118, 131t, 132, 133t, 137; candidates on, 77t, 79t, 81t, 84t, 88; candidates’ position on Roe v. Wade, 76; change in probability of voting for restrictions in, 108t; co-sponsorship of, 112t; The Faithful influencing, 79; federal/state governments prevention of discrimination against health care providers considered in, 102; as highly visible, controversial issue, 75; House positions on Abortion Non-Discrimination Act considered, 104; legislators on, 103t, 104t; missing candidate positions on, 83; onegroup versus multi-group districts, 78; probability of opposing restrictions in, 85t; research on, 82, 89, 106–109; Senate statement of support for Roe v. Wade considered in, 105; state-level opinion on, 82; strong support for responsiveness/consistency hypotheses in study of, 109; subconstituency opinion highly significant in study of, 107; Super-Educated Women influencing, 79; Super-Educated Women/The Faithful active and intense about, 106; Super-Educated Women/The Faithful at odds over, 103; voting behavior in one-group states on, 79t, 102–103. See also partial-birth abortion Abrajano, Marisa, 32 Achen, Christopher, 123, 135, 136, 177n1, 178n5, 178n7 Ackerman, Gary, 77t, 104t activated identity, 25–26, 170n9, 171n12; issue visibility thesis and, 48; media exposure and, 51 activation, 38 active groups, 52t, 62; identification of, 47; issue visibility and, 44t; knowledgeability of, 48 activity hypothesis, 92, 109–114 Adams, William, 142 African Americans, 47–48, 51; political knowledge ratios of, 50; as predictor of votes on Civil Rights Act of 1990, 169n26; roll-call votes and, 169n25 agriculture districts, 61t, 95t, 176n6 Ali, Muhammad, 77t Allard, Wayne, 72t, 99t Allen, Tom, 72t, 99t Ameri, Goli, 79, 80t Americans for Democratic Action, 145 Anderson, Donna J., 61t apathy, 28–29 198 / Index Armenian Americans, 150, 153–154 Armenian Genocide Resolution, 41, 44, 138– 139, 146, 150, 179n1; co-sponsorship of, 145t, 147t; issue visibility of, 144f; visibility influence on, 143 Arnold, R. Douglas, 3–4, 5, 12, 179n2 Assault-weapons ban, 15, 57, 71t, 72t, 99t, 111t, 115, 117, 176n12; change in probability of voting for, 101t; extension of ban considered, 72; gun regulation as unlikely issue for minority to defeat majority, 69; legislative representation and, 98–101; research questions on, 89; Secular Warriors and F-You Boys at odds over, 70; Senate candidates’ positions on, 71; southern states as more permissive about, 73; strong support for subconstituency politics with, 74 “attentive publics,” 12 average data, 159 average opinion, 100 Bachus, Spencer, 67t, 97t Bailey, Michael, 124, 168n12, 172n5 Baker, Don, 54–55 Barrett, Gresham, 77t, 104t Bartels, Larry, 142 Bass, Charlie, 72t Baucus, Max, 61t, 95t Beasley, David, 36 Bernstein, Robert, 5 Betancourt, Annie, 2–3, 26, 167n5; not supported by, 155; liberalization of Cuba policy favored by, 63, 63t, 167n7, 181nn1–2 Biden, Joe, 81t, 104t, 177n18 Blinken, Alan, 61t Boatright, Robert, 174n22 born-again Christians, 96, 110 Bosch, Orlando, 1, 4, 167n1 Bowling, Janice, 77t Boxer, Barbara, 81t, 88, 104t Bradbury, Bill, 72t Brady, David, 124, 172n5 Brenner, William, 72t Brightharp, George, 77t Burns, Conrad, 60–61, 61t, 64, 95, 95t Burrola, Alex, 80t Burstein, Paul, 143 Bush, George H. W., 45 Bush, George W., 4, 33, 65, 69, 138, 179n25 Bush, Jeb, 4, 157, 168n9 campaigns, 10, 56, 93, 119, 156 Campbell, Tom, 80, 81t candidates, 19, 32, 38; on abortion policy, 77t, 79t, 81t, 88; on assault-weapons ban, 72t; behavior of, 14; constituencies’ influence on abortion positions of, 84t; on Cuban trade embargo, 61t; groups appealed to by, 29; intensity influencing, 11; in old Cuban districts, 62t; resources needed by, 31; spending by, 83 Carper, Thomas, 81t, 104t Cartwright, Billy, 67t, 174n22 Castor, Betty, 63, 63t, 88 Castro, Fidel, 1–3, 25–26, 33, 58, 59, 167n3, 170n8, 173n13, 176n6 categorization, 22 centrism, 123 Chaffee, Lincoln, 79t, 105t citizens: agreement among, 159; apathy/ignorance in, 28–29; control by, 160–161; educability of, 42; Hutchings on knowledge levels of, 27; intensity of, 156, 162; passive, 13; political knowledge and, 41 civic capacity, 10 Civil Rights Act of 1990, 169n26 Clark, Yvette, 71t, 99t Clatworthy, Raymond, 81t Clinton, Bill, 33, 106, 115, 179n25 Clinton, Hillary, 37, 79t, 105t Cloud, Michael, 79t coalition building, 31; legislators and, 92–93; in subconstituency politics, 160 Coleman, Norm, 81t, 104t committees, 10 competitiveness, 73...
