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Figures and tables are indicated by f and t following the page number. Abahai, 142–44 accommodation (political strategy): and “buying time,” 6, 324; and demotivating enemy hostility, 5; French policy of, 221, 224; and Pré Carré, 175–76; and strategic culture, 121–22; and strategic defense, 309, 327–28. See also accommodation policy in China accommodation policy in China: and Abahai , 143; and “absolute flexibility,” 122; as defense strategy, 127–28, 146–47; Ming options for, 107, 138, 140; prospects for, 145; Yu Zijun as proponent of, 125, 127, 130, 147 Adan, Avraham “Bren”: and Bar-Lev Line creation, 258, 259; and defense-in-depth strategy, 279; and national security decision making, 276, 281–82; on security defense strategy, 270; and Sinai defense, 276; and threat perception, 265; and Yom Kippur War and subsequent debate, 292, 293 Adimantus, 29 adversary perceptions, 309–14, 323. See also psychological aspects of fortified defense; threat perceptions Aegina, 15, 33, 37 Aegospotami, Battle of, 44 Aeschines, 49 Aeschylus, 23, 34, 325 Afghanistan, U.S. operations in, 320 Agis, King, 43, 44 Index agonal (hoplite) warfare, 22–23, 28, 45 Ahdut HaAvoda party (Israel), 273, 274 Aire (France), capture of, 178, 179, 191 Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 163 Alcibiades, 41–42, 43, 53 Alexander the Great, 49 Alexander, Martin, 234, 244 Allon, Yigal: on defense strategy, 1, 271; on deterrence, 270; and national security decision making, 274; and postwar debate about Bar-Lev Line, 288; and postwar occupation , 263 Alsace-Lorraine region, 206, 209, 211, 214, 218, 229, 239 Altan Khan, 136, 138, 140 Amazonians (legendary people), 34 Ammianus Marcellinus, 94 Andocides, 36 Anne, Queen, 191 Anthemius, 4 Antigonus, 52 Antonine Wall, 65, 90, 91, 92, 95 Antoninus Pius, 89–91, 96–97 Apollodorus, 80 Appian, 81, 97 Arab–Israeli peace agreement, 267 Arab Summit Conference of 1967, 258 Archidamian War (431–421 BCE), 38–42 Ardennes region, defense of, 207, 215, 227, 231, 235, 238, 240, 242, 244, 246 Area Defense System (Israel), 261 340 Index Argos, 20, 22, 41, 42, 46 Aristides, 19 Aristotle, 47 armor-based defense, mobile, 279–80, 287, 294 Arrian, 77 Ashkenazi, Motti, 293 Athenian navy. See navy, Athenian Athens’ Long Walls, 8, 13–63; and Archidamian War, 38–42; army enhancements, 27; comparison of main features, 10t, 309, 310–13t; and Decelean War, 42–45; decision context of, 21–26, 53; democratic power, rise of, 16–20; domestic politics, 25–26; fourth century restored long walls, 45–49, 54; frontier fortifications, 27–28; Hadrian’s observation of, 84–85; and land defense options, 26–30; Long Walls strategy, 29–30, 45–49; Macedonia and siegecraft, 49–52, 53, 54; map of, 16f, 18f; military capability, 22; and Persians, 17– 18; postwar strategy, 18–19; resources for, 24–25; and Second Peloponnesian War, 37–45, 53, 54; security developments, 34– 52; setbacks and war enthusiasm, 34–36; as signal of intention, 314–15; and Sparta, 20; and strategic culture, 22–24; and strategic defenses in Athens’ Golden Age, 36–37; and strategic defense system decision , 30–34, 53; threat perception, 21–22, 53–54; upper city relocation, 28–29 Atilius Bradua, 80 attaque brusquée (sudden attack), 214, 215, 216, 227, 236 Attica (Greece), 15, 17, 20, 22, 27–28, 30, 35, 36, 39–40, 47–48 attrition, wars of: and ancient Athens, 38, 39, 54, 283–86; and Bar-Lev Line, 257–58, 283–86, 288, 291; and French–German relations, 225 Augsburg, League of, 183–84 Augustan History, 66, 72, 93 Augustus, 70, 74, 76, 78 Aulus Platorius Nepos, 65, 80, 87, 88 Bag Arslan, 131–33 Bai Gui, 107–8, 121, 127, 130–31, 132 ballistic missile defense, 2, 316 Banque de France, 231 barbarians, Mongols as, 116, 117, 125, 126, 128 Barfield, Thomas, 115 Bar-Kochba revolt, 78 Bar-Lev, Chaim: and military capability, 268; on military escalation, 284; and mobile armor-base defense, 279–80; and naming of Bar-Lev Line, 259; and national security decision making, 275, 276, 281, 282; and occupied territory, 263; and postwar debate about Bar-Lev Line, 286–87, 288, 297; and post-Yom Kippur War debate, 293; and Sinai defense, 276 Bar-Lev Line, 9, 257–307; comparison of main features, 10t, 309, 310–13t; debate about, 258, 286–89, 297; decision context of, 258, 265–76; defense-in-depth, 278– 79; domestic politics, 273–74; frontier strategic options, 276–81; map of, 260f; military capability, 267–69; mobile armorbased defense approach, 279–80, 287, 294...
